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According to J. and S. : Even if you hadn't invited us to your house, we would go there anyway since there is no place else to stay. We received an invitation from God to swing in heaven. It was our intention to come to you house.

J. is like a diamond.

Fatima said: We should give you red flowers since you are from the world. [[strikethrough]] Narola No [[/strikethrough]] The women saw Norolla approaching and said: Have you been walking for a great distance Datu Norolla? We should give you a bath so that you can rest. After bathing you, you can sit on the mattress. Datu, God has sent a message to you.

After bathing, N. said: What are the words of God sent to me? My mother and father have traveled up the seven layers to heaven and seven layers below the earth, and they still could not find a woman beautiful enough for me to marry. I am the only one (not my parents) who has been able to find beautiful women. The beautiful J. may be the daughter-in-law of my parents.

N.'s mother said to him: My son, do not be surprised. We will go inside heaven. We will ride on a camel into heaven to see the lovely J. where the girls are swinging. Don't be feeling week [[strikethrough]] . [[/strikethrough]] in case I decide on another loverother than J.

N. said: I will follow anything you say. But you give me three pieces of your hair. I will tie [[strikethrough]] d [[/strikethrough]] my kris above me (pointed down) with your three hairs. If the hair is cut, the kris [[strikethrough]] s [[/strikethrough]] will fall [[strikethrough]] through my [[/strikethrough]] down and go through my stomach and kill me.

He then began to sharpen his kris. The name of the sharpening stone is Pagitpit-batlan [[strikethrough]] . [[/strikethrough]] (magnetic filing stone.) [[strikethrough]] The name of the scabbard of the kris is [[/strikethrough]] Manisan [[strikethrough]] -paragan (beautiful - to run). [[/strikethrough]] , a woman, ran to N and asked: Datu, why are you filing your kris? The woman you like, J., has passed by this house. I appreciated her great beauty.

This occurred during the month of Ramadan (month of fasting). N. will be made a wall because of his sins. This was ordered by God. ????????

Manisan jumped from the porch to the ground. She then began to walk until she reached a point where she could see thousands of ladies. The ladies were swinging in heaven. The small children were shouting. Some one greeted Manisan-sahaia (M. is the sister of N.)

M. said to J.: You might be the daughter-in-law of my mother.

J. said: Do not make jokes in front of this crowd. I am an ugly girl. Do not despise me in front of all these people.