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[[image - photograph]] [[View of the Byzantine style Annunciation Church (Blagoveshchenskaya Tserkov), Harbin, Manchuria, China, circa early 1940s.]]

大ハルブこヲ眠下二しテ!! 壯ナリ 誰しソュ,感慨ヲ 古,先輩勇士ガ知ラウ 斯如ュノ 幸福ナ飛行ヲ減ら 得ルモ幾多,赤血, 結晶る ヲ思フトキ 心かラ 感泣ン咽フフナリ.

Transcription Notes:
Text and drawing under this photograph are transcribed and described on scan "PAGE 15" that follows.