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八月一日 師団長巡視

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戦隊開隊記念日。想ヒ出モ懐シキ昨年。延[[吉?]]ノ格納庫ニ於テ愉快ナル式典会食ヲ実施セル事ヲ思ヒ出ス。メッキリト美シク[[?inserted character]]返ッタ今日日頃。飛行演習地上部隊ノ精鋭ハ今迄[[迠?]]出陣セザルニ依リ、最ト静ナルモノアリ。今日ハ飛行師団長(第二師団長)初度巡視。整備ニ於テ色々ト点火系統ヲ点検。終ニ故障一次線ナルヲ知リタリ。美シキ月。今月も亦元氣旺盛ニ明朗ニ大ニ[[mark denotes repeat of last characters]]ニ頑張ラン。國勢益々面白カラズ。絶対必勝ノ信念ノ許大ニ努力勉励セン。

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August 1 Chief of division Patrol[[?]]
Ceremonial day that squadron was assembled. Nostalgic memories from last year. I recall the pleasant ceremony dinner at [[Yanji?]] hangar. Recently, [[?]] has become increasingly beautiful. The elite members of the ground crew of the aerial exercises were required to participate, and it is most quiet. Today, the aerial chief officer (second squadron leader) [[has come to]] patrol for the first time. Checking up on the various things related to ignition maintenance. Lastly, [[I]] came to know the primary line for malfunction. Beautiful moon. This month, [[I shall]] try my best, and with vigorous spirit. National power, not at all as desired. Under the belief of "Absolute victory", [[we must]] try even harder. 

August 2
Ground crew came for maintenance. Maintenance crew are in high spirits. Even more invigorated, exercises become hard. Twilight. Night flight [[almost like]] spewing flames. North-Manshu [[?]] not a problem. Our graves have been determined. Indeed, Philippine islands it is [[?]]. Without the presence of the Philippine islands, the empire's existence would be in peril [[?]]. During this crisis, that I am in the front lines is a honour. 

August 3
Good weather in "Saravah[[?]]", and exercises increase in hardness day-by-day. Beautiful mountains and clouds make up a picturesque southern country view. Squadron leader and the surrounding members hold the belief of "Absolute victory". The most beautiful and pure moon. Coming back from night flight, a warrior might have looked upon the moon with overwhelming emotion. Death exists, and life is absent. Soon, with death, the incarnation of loyalty [[?]]. Close to midnight, [[I]] happily bathe. The [[scent]] of the moon that can be seen past the rooftop. [[How]] Will the warrior smile.