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Normal High and Theological Schools

Of such schools there are six now in operation

The Stover Normal School is located at Harper's Ferry, West Va. It has forty-three (43) pupils enrolled, with an average attendance of thirty-two (32). Sixteen (16) of the pupils are over sixteen years of age; nine (9) are studying grammar. This is evidently a very primary normal school. Buildings have been obtained from the Government: a beautiful site has been purchased by the Society having the school in charge, and it is expected that a school of a high order will here be gathered.

The Normal and Preparatory Department of the Howard University, located on 7th St. near Washington City boundary, numbers fifty-five (55) pupils; average attendance, forty-three (43); of these twenty-nine (29) are over sixteen years of age; seven of the pupils are white.

Very many of the pupils are children of free people of the District; some of them are intending to take a collegiate course, and some will no doubt become teachers. There is a class in latin, and a class well advanced arithmetic.

The National Theological Institute and University, located at No. 70 La. avenue in this City, numbers sixty pupils; average attendance, thirty-five (35); all of these are over sixteen years old; very many of them are employed in the hotels in that part of the city. They are learning to read and write and are also taught arithmetic; some of them have made considerable progress. This is an excellent day school for adults, and is well taught, and well patronized.

The Wayland Seminary, on I St. bet. 19 & 20th Sts, numbers twenty-eight (28) pupils; average attendance, twenty-five (25); twenty-six (26) are over sixteen years of age; eleven (11) are studying history; six (6), moral philosophy; one (1) in natural philosophy, and thre (3) in latin. A lecture is delivered each day in "theology or some Kindred science." Many of the students are looking forward to the ministry.

The Washington Educational Institute, cor. of 22d and I Sts, numbers seventy-nine (79) pupils; average attendance, forty-seven (47), all of whom are over sixteen years of age. This school is under the supervision of Rev. E. Turney, D.D. He says, "This school is in effect the continuation of the school of the National Theological Institute and University, and consists with very few exceptions of the same pupils. A number of the students being pastors of churches, and occupying other positions which prevent their constant attendance, prosecute studies assigned them, during a portion of their time, at their hours. The students are taught in

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English grammar and composition, in elocution, in ancient history and geography, in the scriptures, parts of theology &c. The majority of the students are accommodated with rooms in the building where the school is kept."

The Female Collegiate Institute, also, at cor. 22d and I Sts. numbers sixty-four (64) pupils; average attendance, thirty-six (36), all of whom are over sixteen years old. Dr. Turney, who superintends the Institute, reports "that it embraces two schools, a primary and advanced school. The former is under the instruction of three teachers who reside in the building. The latter is taught in reading, spelling, geography, arithmetic, English grammar, and composition; also algebra with lessons in geometry."

The total number of day and night Schools reported this month, is one hundred and eighteen (118); ninety-eight (98) day and twenty (20) night; No of Teachers, one hundred and sixty-eight (168), of whom one hundred and twenty-nine (129) are white, and thirty-nine (39), colored; No. of Scholars, sixty-six hundred and thirteen (6613). Besides these schools there are in operation thirty-one (31) schools not reported this month, having fifteen hundred and eighteen (1518) pupils and forty-one (41) teachers. Of the latter twenty-one (21) are white, and twenty (20), colored. These, with those reported, make the whole number of Schools in this Department one hundred and forty-nine (149); No. of Teachers, two hundred and nine (209); No. of Scholars, eighty-one hundred and thirty-one (8131), showing an increase of twenty-six hundred and eighty-four (2684) pupils to the number reported in December

Thirteen (13) teachers report an average attendance of 90 per cent, and over. I give the names of these teachers with the per cent of their schools.

Mrs. J. S. Dove, | 91+ per cent. | Miss Kate G. Crane | 92+ per cent.
" [[ditto for Mrs.]] E. H. Disbrow | 92. " " [[dittos for per cent.]] | " [[ditto for Miss]] R. H. Elwell | 92+ " " [[dittos for per cent.]]
Miss Susan Towle | 96+ " " [[dittos for per cent.]] | " [[ditto for Miss]] E. J. Brooks | 93+ " " [[dittos for per cent.]]
" [[ditto for Miss]] Abby C. Ford | 100 " " [[dittos for per cent.]] | " [[ditto for Miss]] R. J. Cooke | 92+ " " [[dittos for per cent.]]
" [[ditto for Miss]] M. R. Mann | 91 " " [[dittos for per cent.]] | " [[ditto for Miss]] C. W. Moore | 95+ " " [[dittos for per cent.]]
" [[ditto for Miss]] H. S. Macombe | 93+ " " [[dittos for per cent.]] | " [[ditto for Miss]] Gennie Snowden | 91+ " " [[dittos for per cent.]]
" [[ditto for Miss]] M. R. Goins | 90 " " [[dittos for per cent.]] | 

The above, all teach in the District of Columbia.

Very slow progress is being made toward completing the School Houses which are being erected in Maryland, and West Virginia. The weather is very unfavorable, and the people naturally dilatory. And when houses are completed I find great difficulty in securing teachers. The Pa. Branch Freedmen and Union Commission, is aiding with a few teachers, but I have not been able to get teachers from any other Society during the month.