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call on you probably by the middle of next week.  I have just returned from Calvert County.  He did not wish me to send his money as he does not get letters well.  I informed him last month ^ {{can't read}} Maj. W.S. Van. Derlip {{initials and name underlined}} by letter that you would not support him after the 1st of June, but he never got the letter and did not know that his school as to close.  I therefore hope you will allow him pay to the 11th of June, when I informed him that you had said you would not pay after the 1st of June.  He {{strikethrough}} appears to be a worthy and faithful man.  You have charged me with the transportation of teachers home, $28,00.  I have no means to pay this.  The Bureau  has refused to pay home transportation for any teacher, and all care paying their own unless helped by the Societies.  I am sorry this is so but cannot help it  I therefore return you @12,00 which with the $28,00 charged for transportation would make out the $40,00 intended for Socke {{underlined}}.  As I have receipted to you for the whole amount, please receipt to me for the $12,00 returned.  I have received the money back from Miss York {{underlined}}.
                             Very Respectfully Yours,
                                John Kimball
                             Supt. of Education
P.S. {{underlined}}I think you will lose money on the house and lot on I St.  I have tried to sell but cannot find a buyer and property does not sell very well at auction; still I will put if up if you say so, and am inclined to think that it is the best way, this summer.

257.                Bureau Refugees, Freedmen ^and A.L.
                    Head Quarters Asst. Comr D.C.
                    Washington, June 12th 1868.

Butler {{underlined left margin}}  John H. {{underlined}}

    Benedict. Charles Co. Md.
Dear Sir:
   I have been in St. Mary's and Calver Counties but have failed to find you, for which I am very sorry.  I am sure you are industrious, and doing a good work, but I want you to write me oftener, so that I can know first where you are, and what doing.  You write me about more houses.  We shall not promise to build any more until the Bureau

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Bill passes, as we hope it will in a few days.  If it does not you will see that we must close up by the 16th of July.  I do not wish you to look up new places very much but to finish up the old houses, that is houses for which lumber has been sent.  And I want the houses and seats made just like those in St. Mary's Co. and the one at Port Tobacco.  The seats at Hellens Creek are wrong. You do not want to slant the braces back so far.  I do not want the little alcove back of the desk. it costs too much.  Try and get the houses at Herbert's Sanding Sancaster's and Chapttco {{?}}done right away.  If the Bill passes I shall want you to come right away up to Montgomery County where we want to build five or six houses.
   Hoping to hear from you soon.  I am
                                           Yours truly
                                            John Kimball
                                           Supt. of Education

258                                          Bureau Refugees Freedmen ^and A.L.
                                              Head Quarters Asst. Comr D.C.
                                             Washington. June 12th 1868.

Eldridge {{underlined in left margin}}  Bvt. Maj. Stuart {{last name underlined}}
                                             A.A.A. Genl.
  I respectfully ask that Mssrs. Thaddeus Washington, A.T. Jones, and Cephas {{?}} Davis, {{all names underlined}} be appointed Asst. Supts. of Education; each at a salary of twenty dollars per month, and stationed in Charles Co. Md.  Said appointments to date from June 15th 1868.
                     Very Respectfully Yours.
                       John Kimball
                      Supt. of Education.

259                Bureau Refugees, Freedmen ^and A.L.
                   Head Quarters Asst. Comr D.C.
                    Washington, June 12th 1868.

Harper ^and Brothers {{underlined in left margin}}  Messrs.  
                         New York City
   The box of books was sent on March 3rd 1868.  I send you a statement from Adams Express Co. to show that fact.  I think I sent you the Express receipt at the time, as I have not said receipt among my papers.  Please let me know if you find this all right.