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Very Respectfully Yours,
[[signature]] John Kimball [[/signature]]
Supt. of Education.


Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and A. L.
Head Quarters Asst. Comr D. C.
Washington, June 24th 1868.

[[underlined]] VanDerlip [[/underlined]]  Bvt. Maj. [[underlined]] W. S. [[/underlined]]
Annapolis, Md.
Dear Sir:
I am not determined to come to Annapolis to visit the school.  I think it would be an excellent plan to have an examination of the school on Friday, and to invite Mr. [[underlined]] Janney [[/underlined]] and myself to be present, and all the colored people of Annapolis who can come.  
We are having a great time here examining [[strikethrough]] four schools [[/strikethrough]] four schools day after day for more than two weeks.  It does more to keep up the interest of teachers, and scholars and parents than any thing else.  The parents ought to come in at the close of the term and see what has been done.  I think that such good schools as you have got at Annapolis should not close with out a public examination.  If you are ready for this, send me an invitation tomorrow.  I will come down on Friday
Very Respectfully Yours.
[[signature]] John Kimball [[/signature]]
Supt. of Education.


Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and A. L.
Head Quarters Asst. Commr D. C.
Washington, June 20th 1868.
[[underlined]] Eldridge [[/underlined]] Bvt. Maj. [[underlined]] Stuart [[/underlined]].
A. A. A. Genl.
I have the honor to request that the following named articles be furnished for the use of this office:
One (1) Water Cooler.   
One (1) Wash Stand
" " [[dittos for One (1)]] Office Chair.  
" " " [[dittos for One (1) Wash]] Pitcher
" " " [[dittos for One (1) Wash]] Basin
Very Respectfully Yours.
[[signature]] John Kimball [[/signature]]
Supt. of Education.


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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and A. L.
Head Quarters Asst. Commr. D. C.
Washington, June 23d 1868.

[[underlined]] Eldridge [[/underlined]] Bvt. Maj. [[underlined]] Stuart [[/underlined]].
A. A. A. Genl.
I have the honor to request that the following articles may be furnished for this office, viz:
One (1) Pail
" [[ditto for One]] (1) Stand for Water-cooler
" [[ditto for One]] (1) Stand, Cup and Brush for Press
" [[ditto for One]] (1) Soap-dish.
Two (2) Drinking-glasses.
Very Respectfully,
Your Obedient Servant.
[[signature]] John Kimball [[/signature]]
Supt. of Education


Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and A. L.
Head Quarters Asst. Commr. D. C.
Washington, June 24th 1868.

[[underlined]] Johnson [[/underlined]] Mr. [[underlined]] J. A. [[/underlined]]
Upper Marlboro.' Prince George Co. Md.
Dear Sir:
Mr. [[[underlined]] Roby [[/underlined]] informs me that he has not refused the use of that school-house for meetings.  He says, "Whoever told you that I have refused the school-house for preaching to the colored people, told you a base and willful falsehood, for I have invited it all the time."  Tell Mr. [[underlined]] Sangford [[/underlined]], therefore, to go on and hold his meetings.
Very Respectfully Yours, 
[[signature]] John Kimball [[/signature]]
Supt. of Education.


Bureau Refugees Freedmen and A. L.
Head Quarters Asst. Commr. D. C.
Washington, June 24th 1868.

[[underlined]] Gould [[/underlined]] Miss [[underlined]] H. E. [[/underlined]]
Leonardtown, St. Mary's Co. Md.
I have just had a letter from your Society about transportation.  I have replied that we cannot pay it, and told them I hoped [[underlined]] they [[/underlined]] would.  You may be sure I will do