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Bureau Refugees Freedmen and A.L.
Head Quarters Asst. Comr. D.C.
Washington,  Aug. 29th 1868.

[[underlined]] Monteith  E. H.  [[/underlined]]
Baltimore, Md.

Dear Sir:

I have written to Mr. [[underlined]] McGrath [[/underlined]] that we cannot purchase lumber to cost more than $350.00.  If the bill already furnished costs that, we can do no more.  I have suggested that if they have not commenced the house they had better build smaller, so that the $350.00 will nearly finish.  Genl. H. said I had best write you, and ask you to write them also, and explain the change in Asst. Com'rs and why the amount of help is cut down.  Cannot we change the order on that lumber, if they have done nothing? 

Very Respectfully, Yours,
[[signature]] John Kimball [[/signature]]
Supt. of Education.

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Bureau Refugees Freedmen and A.L.
Head Quarters Asst. Comr. D.C.
Washington,  Aug. 29th 1868.

[[underlined]] Elwell  Miss R. H.  [[/underlined]]
Hartford, Ct.


The trustees of colored schools inform me through their chairman, Mr. [[underlined]] Wm. Syphax, [[/underlined]] that if your Society will send you back, they will furnish a place for school in "Murder Bay" at Card Hall or some better place with fuel &c. added.

[[underlined]] Mr. Newton [[/underlined]] is now here, but they have not decided about keeping him another term.

I shall be very glad to see you here on the 1st of October.  The other schools begin sooner.

Very Respectfully, Yours,
[[signature]] John Kimball [[/signature]]
Supt. of Education.

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Bureau Refugees Freedmen and A.L.
Head Quarters Asst. Comr. D.C.
Washington,  Aug. 29th 1868.

[[underlined]] Wilmer  Dr. Wm. R.  [[/underlined]]
Port Tobacco, Charles Co. Md.

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Dear Sir:

[[underlined]] Butler [[/underlined]] has just been here and says they have the land at Mt. Pleasant (where Thomas taught) and are getting out the heavy timber for a house.  He has requested lumber for the same but I want you to make the request if it should be granted.  What do you say?  How about the house at Newport?   [[underlined]] Butler [[/underlined]] will not be in your County for some time if at all, so please see that Benedict and other houses go on all right.

Very Respectfully, Yours,
[[signature]] John Kimball [[/signature]]
Supt. of Education.

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Bureau Refugees Freedmen and A.L.
Head Quarters Asst. Comr. D.C.
Washington,  Aug. 29th 1868.

Corson  Col. R. R.
Philadelphia, Pa.

Dear Sir:

I am glad to get the question, "Have you places for teachers?"  Yes I have places for a large number.  I wish you would give me fifty good colored men and women for Maryland.  Don't forget our need and send elsewhere.  The best places for your two are Woodville and Nottingham, Prince George Co. Md.;  about thirty miles from this city by stage.  At Woodville, there has been a school.  Nottingham is a new place.  They are some ten or twelves miles apart.  I have no places now where I want two together. 

Very Respectfully, Yours,
[[signature]] John Kimball [[/signature]]
Supt. of Education.

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Bureau Refugees Freedmen and A.L.
Head Quarters Asst. Comr. D.C.
Washington,  Aug. 31st 1868.

[[underlined]] Brown  Bvt. Maj. J. M.  [[/underlined]]
D.O. - D.C.

Dear Sir:

Please give Mr. [[underlined]] Spurgeon, [[/underlined]] for use in Lincoln Lodge L.G.T. 10th bet. Maryland Ave. and Virginia Ave. 150 ft. of Benches.  

Very Respectfully, Yours,
[[signature]] John Kimball [[/signature]]
Supt. of Education.