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you mention at the present time, as many other places are pressing us for aid with prospect large schools.

If we should do anything for that place it would not be more than $100.00.

Very Respectfully Yours
[[signature]] John Kimball [[/signature]]
Supt. of Education.

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Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Hd Qurs Asst. Comr. D.C.
Washington  Sept. 7th 1868.

[[underlined]] Lawrence [[/underlined]] Capt. [[underlined]] A. A. [[/underlined]]

I understand the Wawaseth leaves here now on every Tuesday morning at 6 o'clock.  If she makes a Wharf near your place, cannot we come on her, have the meeting on Wednesday the 23rd & take the Columbia Wednesday night for Baltimore.  If we can do this, we will come down at that time & would like you to assist in getting up a big meeting in which our teachers will aid you.  We can get Judge [[underlined]] Bond [[/underlined]] and Gen'l [[underlined]] Howard. [[/underlined]]  Please let me know immediately how you like this plan.  The only trouble is about the "W" making a landing near you, which you can learn down the better than I can here & about the time on Wednesday when the "C" reaches Leonardtown.

Very Respectfully Yours
[[signature]] John Kimball [[/signature]]
Supt. of Education.

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Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Hd Qurs Asst. Comr. D.C.
Wash.  Sept. 7th 1868.

[[underlined]] Wilmer [[/underlined]] Dr. [[underlined]] W. R. [[/underlined]]

Dear Sir

Please examine the two schools to close on the 15th of the month.  [[underlined]] Davis [[/underlined]] will continue his school until the 1st of Oct.  Please inform him as he wishes to know if he could keep on.  [[underlined]] Harris [[/underlined]] will return on Wednesday & continue his school.  Have reports send to the close of the schools.  I am unable to get teachers to continue

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schools now but expect to open again on the 1st Oct.

Very Respectfully Yours
[[signature]] John Kimball [[/signature]]
Supt. of Education.

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Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Hd Qurs Asst. Comr. D.C.
Washington  Sept. 8th 1868.

[[underlined]] Taylor [[/underlined]] Mr [[underlined]] Thomas [[/underlined]]
Port Deposit Md.


What progress are you making in your School house.  Please write immediately informing me just what has been done.

As your school is now in my District, I intend to come & see you very soon.

Very Respectfully Yours
[[signature]] John Kimball [[/signature]]
Supt. of Education.

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Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Hd Qurs Asst. Comr. D.C.
Washington  Sept. 8th 1868.

[[underlined]] Walker [[/underlined]] Miss [[underlined]] Susan [[/underlined]]

Your report for Aug. is due, please forward as soon as you can.

Very Respectfully Yours
[[signature]] John Kimball [[/signature]]
Supt. of Education.

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Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Hd Qurs Asst. Comr. D.C.
Washington  Sept. 8th 1868.

[[underlined]] Smith [[/underlined]] Rev. [[underlined]] E. P. [[/underlined]]


Will you send teachers to Freedmens Village this year.  Please informe me as parties from there are inquiring of me.

Very Respectfully Yours
[[signature]] John Kimball [[/signature]]
Supt. of Education.