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Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Hd Qurs Asst. Comr. D.C.
Washington,  Sept. 11th 1868.

[[underlined]] Brown [[/underlined]] Maj. [[underlined]] J. H. [[/underlined]]


Please send this day to the School House, cor. 24 & G Sts. near Observatory for use in School building

20 desks
50 small chairs
10 benches, about 10 ft long with backs.  Send more of each kind if needed to fill up three (3) school rooms.  Also two blackboards if needed.  Also three tables.

Very Respectfully Yours
[[signature]] John Kimball [[/signature]]
Supt. of Education

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Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Hd Qurs Asst. Comr. D.C.
Wash.  Sept. 1st 1868.

[[underlined]] Swaim [[/underlined]] Maj. [[underlined]] G. D. [[/underlined]]
A.A.A. Genl.


I have the honor to prsent the following report of the work of Education in this Dept for the month of August 1868.

This Bureau has paid
Salaries of Supt and Asst Supts of Education | $45e.57
School House at Birds Mill Ann Arundel Co. | $377.52 
" " " [[dittos for School House at]] Benedict Cha's Co. | $371.60
" " " [[dittos for School House at]] Bryntown " " [[dittos for Cha's Co.]] | $371.60
" " " [[dittos for School House at]] Norbeck Montg. Co. | $48.00
" " " [[dittos for School House at]] Poolsville " " [[dittos for Montg. Co.]] | $354.62
" " " [[dittos for School House at]] Barnesville " " [[dittos for Montg. Co.]]  | $354.32
" " " [[dittos for School House at]] Damestown " " [[dittos for Montg. Co.]]  | $354.32
" " " [[dittos for School House at]] Oak Hill " " [[dittos for Montg. Co.]]  | $354.32
Total | $3039.57

Industrial Schools.

The cottage Industrial School at Campbell Barracks reports number of names enrolled '30'

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women 20, men 3, boys 2, girls 4.

Number of articles made | 80
Distribution | 60

Instruction given in reading, writing, cutting, making garments, washing, ironing and general housework.

One teacher, no salary
Service places found for 6.

Educational Schools

The whole number of Schools reported this month is twelve (12) of which eleven are day and one night.  No. of teachers eleven (11) of whom two are white and nine are colored.  No. of scholars five hundred fifty six (556).

On Aug. 15th with Bvt. Brig. Genl [[underlined]] C. R. Howard [[/underlined]] I went to Port Tobacco, Cha's Co. Md. and held a people's meeting, Dr. [[underlined]] R. W. Wilmer [[/underlined]] our Agent presided.  The attendance was large and the audience orderly during the meeting, but there was a great deal of drunkenness during the day.  From Port Tobacco we went to Woodville, Prince Geo. Co. and had another meeting in which we were aided by a Mr. [[underlined]] Haviland [[/underlined]] and daughter, Quaker, recently from New York.  He has bought a farm near Bryantown Cha's Co. & his daughter has opened a school.  She meet with much opposition from the Catholics, their priest forbidding the colored people to have anything to do with the school, but it goes on in spite of this opposition and a new school house is now being erected on land given by Mr. [[underlined]] H. [[/underlined]] for the purpose.  A few more such Quakers in that part of Md. would do incalculable good.  Our meeting at Woodville was held in a large new Church & school house, which has been erected by the aid of this Bureau.  The colored people have shown much energy there in erecting theire house and carrying on this school.  I visited that place last year intending to hold a meeting but could not get a resting place for the night, as there was no hotel and no-one to lodge a Bureau Agent.  I therefore left promising to come again.  Our gathering this time was one of the most profitable we have ever had anywhere, the people show a real interest in education and a determination to