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Bureau R. F & A. L.
Hd. Qurs. Asst. Comr D. C.                     
Wash. Oct. 5th 1868. 

[[underlined]] Stamp [[/underlined]] Mr [[underlined]] W. R. [[/underlined]] 

Dear Sir

I could not get the teacher of as you expected, but they may expect her on Thursday.  Please tell them to have some one to meet her as she will not know where to go.  Hoping that it will be all right.  I am

Respectfully Yours
[[signature]] John Kimball [[/signature]]
Supt. of Education.

[[line across page]]

Bureau R. F & A. L.
Hd. Qurs. Asst. Comr D. C.                     
Wash. Oct. 5th 1868. 

[[underlined]] Douglas [[/underlined]] Mr [[underlined]] Richard [[/underlined]] 
A A A Gen'l 


I expect to send you a good lady teacher on Thursday.

Respectfully Yours
[[signature]] John Kimball [[/signature]]
Supt. of Education.

[[line across page]]

Bureau R. F & A. L.
Hd. Qurs. Asst. Comr D. C.                     
Wash. Oct. 5th 1868. 

[[underlined]] Thompson [[/underlined]] Mr [[underlined]] Wm. [[/underlined]] 

Your name has been given me by the American Mission Association and I have secured  your appointment as teacher at a salary of $20.00 per month.  I send you transportation, you are to teach near Olney, Montgomery Co. Md.  You will go there by stage which starts every day from Harvard stable G St. near 7" St.  You will find Mr [[underlined]] Charles H. Brooks, [[/underlined]] a white gentleman, who will tell you all about boarding place and school.  I write this in case you should miss me, but I expect to see at my office, cor 19" I St.

If you transportation is refused, pay and it will be refunded.  I expect you to come on immediately.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Respectfully Yours
[[signature]] John Kimball [[/signature]]
Supt. of Education.

[[line across page]]

Bureau R. F & A. L.
Hd. Qurs. Asst. Comr D. C.                     
Wash. Oct. 6" 1868. 

[[underlined]] Swaim [[/underlined]] Maj. [[underlined]] D. G. [[/underlined]] 
A A A Gen'l 


I respectfully ask the appointment of Miss [[underlined]] Katie Cummings [[/underlined]] as laborer (educational) at a salary of $20.00 per month, to date from Oct. 15th 1868, and that she be stationed in St. Mary's Co.

Your Obedient Servant
[[signature]] John Kimball [[/signature]]
Supt. of Education.

[[line across page]]

Bureau R. F & A. L.
Hd. Qurs. Asst. Comr D. C.                     
Wash. Oct. 6th 1868. 

[[underlined]] Swaim [[/underlined]] Maj. [[underlined]] D. G. [[/underlined]] 
A A A Gen'l 


I respectfully ask transportation for Miss [[underlined]] Kate Cummings [[/underlined]] laborer (educational) from New Woodfort, Mass. to Millstone Landing, Patuxent river, St. Marys Co. Md. where she is stationed.

Your Obedient Servant
[[signature]] John Kimball [[/signature]]
Supt. of Education.

[[line across page]]

Bureau R. F & A. L.
Hd. Qurs. Asst. Comr D. C.                     
Wash. Oct. 6th 1868. 

[[underlined]] Gould [[/underlined]] Miss

Would you like to return to old school at Leonardstown, if so I can give you $20.00 per month & board & transportation one way.  I hope