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Respectfully yours
[[signature]] John Kimball [[/signature]]
Supt. of Education.

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Bureau R. F. & A. L.
Headquarters Asst. Com'r D.C.
Washington, Oct. 27, 1868.

[[underlined]] Johnson [[/underlined]] Mr. [[underlined]] Charles [[/underlined]]
Piscataway, Md.

Sir:  I shall send a colored lady Mrs. [[underlined]] Mary A. Davenger [[/underlined]] of Philadelphia by the "Arrow" to Fort Washington on Saturday Oct. 31.  She comes to teach your school.  I could not get a man.  I want you to meet her and take her to a boarding place and see that the school is started next Monday, and that it is a large, full school. 

Respectfully yours
[[signature]] John Kimball [[/signature]]
Supt. of Education.

[[line across page]]


Bureau R. F. & A. L.
Headquarters Asst. Com'r D.C.
Washington, Oct. 27, 1868.

[[underlined]] Harrington  Samuel M. [[/underlined]] Esq. 

Dear Sir:  You told me about the school laws in your State when I was at W. and what provision, if any, was made for the education of the colored.

Will you please write me a short letter telling me what your Delaware school system is, and how it works for the education of white and colored.  I want to use the information in a report.

Thus doing you will much oblige

Yours truly,
[[signature]] John Kimball [[/signature]]
Supt. of Education.

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Bureau R. F. & A. L.
Headquarters Asst. Com'r D.C.
Washington, Oct. 27, 1868.

[[underlined]] Petherbridge [[/underlined]] Major [[underlined]] E. R. [[/underlined]]

Dear Major:  Please find out for me the time of sailing of the Hi. Livingston, and let me know immediately, her wharf and all.  I have a teacher (lady) that I want to send on her this week from Baltimore to a point

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in St. Mary's County.  I cannot find her times in this town. 

Respectfully yours
[[signature]] John Kimball [[/signature]]
Supt. of Education.

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Bureau R. F. & A. L.
Headquarters Asst. Com'r D.C.
Washington, Oct. 27, 1868.

[[underlined]] Corson [[/underlined]] Col. [[underlined]] R. R. [[/underlined]]

I send transportation for Mrs [[underlined]] Davinger. [[/underlined]]  I have sent word that she will be at Fort Washington on Potomac river next Saturday and that she will come on the "Arrow", which leaves this city at 10 o'clock Saturday morning.  Please send her so as to make the boat.  Her school is 5 miles from Fort Washington.  James has been here and gone.  Send them along.  I have a man, Douglass, from Springfield, Mass. who will, I think, make a good teacher.  Will you take him?  He wishes to come the middle of next month. 

Respectfully yours
[[signature]] John Kimball [[/signature]]
Supt. of Education.

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Bureau R. F. & A. L.
Headquarters Asst. Com'r D.C.
Washington, Oct. 28, 1868.

[[underlined]] Posey [[/underlined]] Mr. [[underlined]] Joseph [[/underlined]]
Trustee of Budd's Ferry School.

This is to introduce to you Mr. [[underlined]] N. V. James [[/underlined]] who comes to teach your school.  I want you to get him a good boarding place and have a large school. 

Respectfully yours
[[signature]] John Kimball [[/signature]]
Supt. of Education.

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Bureau R. F. & A. L.
Headquarters Asst. Com'r D.C.
Washington, Oct. 28, 1868.

[[underlined]] Earl [[/underlined]] Mr. [[underlined]] David [[/underlined]]
Sunderlandville, Md.,

Sir:  I shall send a colored lady, a Miss [[underlined]] Cummings, [[/underlined]] by the boat next Wednesday to teach your school.  She will get off the boat at Fair Haven, where I expect you to meet her, and take her to her boarding place and school