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ten dollars ($10.00) for each teacher commissioned and employed by the Board; you will please send a memorandum every month to this office, giving the situation of each building and the rent charged per month, making the whole sufficient to pay ten dollars ($10.00) to each teacher employed, when a Check for the amount will be forwarded to your address with proper vouchers for your signature.

Please also enclose a certificate giving numbers of teachers of freedmen under commission by your board, and the average number of scholars taught by each. It is understood that with this help you will keep in the field as many teachers as heretofore.

I want a colored man to teach his school at Leonardtown, St. Mary's Co. Md. There is a good school-house. The people will pay board of teacher and incidentals of of school. We pay transportation to the school, and by the above arrangement ten dollars per month of the salary. I make this special application. If you can fill the place then I will ask for more. The school will be day and night, and number just as many as he can attend to, fifty or one hundred. They had a white lady from Conn. last year, and one of the finest schools in the State, but because of want of proper boarding-place for white teacher they need colored now. They must have a good and well educated man who knows how to teach, to follow Miss Gould of last year. Leonardtown is a pretty place near the Potomac. Many [[catholics?]] about, but the people want a school. They paid for house, board &c. between Nov. 1867 and Jany. 68. $250.00. I am greatly troubled to get good colored teachers even when they can be paid. St. Mary's County is a good place for the colored people. Land cheap, but they need the Presby. Church and school

Very Respectfully Yours
John Kimball
Supt. of Education.

P. S. I must furnish "L" with teacher immediately.
[[Dividing line]]
Bureau R.,F.,& A.L.
Head Quarters Asst. Comr. D. C.
Washington, Dec. 4th 1868.

Cajoy, John
Baltimore, Md.

Dear Sir:

I have concluded to employ you, I have asked for your transportation from Baltimore, to Plowden's Wharf St. Mary's Co. Md. near which place I expect you to teach. I shall send the
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transportation to you, same address as this letter, and expect to get it to you so that you can go down on me "Columbia" here next Wednesday morning at 6 o'clock.

Very Respectfully Yours
John Kimball
Supt. of Education
P. S. I sure want to see you at my office, cor. 19th & I Sts.,  Or at my house cor. 7th & O Sts., on your way.
[[Dividing line]]


Bureau R., F., and A. L.
Head Quarters Asst. Comr. D.C.
Washington, Dec. 4th 1868.

Swain Bvt.  Maj. D. L.
A A A Genl.


I respectfully ask transportation for [[]] John Cajoy, teacher of freedmen under the auspices of the Pa. Branch F. U. Commission, from Baltimore, Md. Plowden's Wharf, St. Mary's Co. Md. near his field of labor

Very Respectfully, Yours
John Kimball
Supt. of Education and Asst. Pa. Branch F. U.  Comr.
P. S. I want transportation via Washington. 

[[Dividing line]]
Bureau R., F., and A. L.
Head Quarters Asst. Comr. D.C.
Washington, Dec. 4th 1868.

Bassett. Prof. E. D.
Philadelphia, Pa.

Dear Sir:

Col. [[underline]]Corson[[/underline]] has asked me to employ the three young men ([[underline]]Owens[[/underline]] and others), sent to Tennessee. I have places for them if they can reach Washington but I have no way to get them here.

The Bureau does not furnish return transportation. Can you or any of the Philadelphia Friends help them back?

Very Respectfully Yours
John Kimball
Supt. of Education.