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Bureau R. F. and A. L. 
Office Supt. of Education DC. &c. 
Washington. Jany 30th 1869. 

West. Miss F. K.  
Poolsville [[Poolesville]]. Montgomery Co. Md.

If Mr. Adams or any trusty person comes to Washington soon I wish you would have him call on me. I have a box of presents for the children of your school and Miss Morris from the Society that pays your salaries, in Philadelphia. 
Very Respectfully Yours
John Kimball
Supt. of Education

P. S. Half of the contents of the box is for each school.


Bureau R. F. and A. L. 
Office Supt. of Education, DC &c. 
Washington. Jany. 30th 1869

Corson Col. R. R. 
Philadelphia, Pa. 

Dear Sir: 
I have nine (9) Teachers, eight (8) in Maryland, and one (1) in the District of Columbia at Barry Farm, who have been paid by this Bureau. We cannot pay them any longer, and I want you to take them. All the schools are in good condition, with good teachers, and must not stop. Please take them from February 1st. The names are J. B. Douglas, Macon B. Allen, S. W. Gaines, W. H. Thompson, Miss F. E. Hall, Miss P. C. Groves, Miss Martha A. Swann, J. H. Butter Jr. and W. H. Harris. Salaries are $20 00 for all except Miss Swann, who has $18 00. You can collect rent on all houses except Miss Hall's. 

Very Respectfully Yours.
John Kimball 
Supt. of Education.


Bureau R. F. and A. L. 
Office Supr. of Education DC &c. 
Washington. Jany 30th 1869.

Mc.Cabe Chas. 
Elkton Cecil Co. Md. 

Dear Sir: 
Do the colored people of Elkton wish me to send a teacher? 

and how much will they do for such teacher? I understood from those I talked with that you all wanted a good teacher and school. Let me hear from you. There should be a first class school at Elkton. 

Very Respectfully, Yours.
John Kimball 
Supt. of Education.


Bureau R. F. and A. L. 
Office Supt. of Education DC &c. 
Washington, Feb. 1st 1869.

Core. John 
Baltimore. Md. 

Dear Sir: 
Miss Lyons has written again withdrawing her application. She says her sister has returned; also, "I think the course pursued by the Baltimore Association is neither just to the freedmen, nor to those who instruct them."

Very Respectfully Yours.
John Kimball 
Supt of Education. 

P. S. I have a letter from Salisbury this morning asking for a teacher.


Bureau R. F. and A. L. 
Office Supr. of Education DC &c. 
Washington, Feb. 1st 1869.

Howard Bvt. Maj. Genl. O. O. - U. S. A. 
Comsr Bureau R. F. A. L. 

In obedience to instructions contained in Circular dated July 8th/61, from these Head Quarters I have the honor to report myself on duty as Clerk in the office of the Asst. Supt. of Education for D. C. Md. W. Va. and Del. [[strikethrough]] by your order [[/strikethrough]] having been duly appointed by your order. 

Very Respectfully,
Your Obedient Servant.
J. Q. Crosby. 


Transcription Notes:
for the last location @ 1st page bottom, the letter says "elklon" but it is later referred to as "elkton" which i suspect is correct; i have left the transcription as the original