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Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Office Supt. Education D.C. &c.
Washington Aug. 9th 1870

[[Footnote 1]]

[[underlined]] Grimke  Mr. Archie H. [[/underlined]]

Dear Sir:

When did you reach your school?  How are you prospering?  Have you Register and Blanks?  I enclose three of the latter.  Your report for July, and so much of June as you taught, is now due.  Let me hear from you without delay.

Very Respectfully, Yours,
John Kimball
(Sgd.) Supt. Education.

[[Footnote 1]] Send to all teachers of N.Y. Presby. [[?Ass'n]]

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Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Office Supt. Education D.C. &c.
Washington Aug. 10th 1870

[[Footnote 1]]

[[underlined]] Reid  Wilson and the other School Trustee at Princess Anne [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] Gentlemen: [[underlined]]

I expect to visit Princess Anne, in company with me, I shall bring [[underlined]] Hon. Hugh L. Bond [[/underlined]] of Balt., one week from tomorrow.  We shall come down on the "Maggie", one week from today, and come up from Chrisfield, Wednesday morning, Aug. 18th.  We wish to meet and address a large crowd of your people, and any others who may desire to hear, and examine into the state of the school and school buildings.

We shall leave by the down train, on the afternoon of Wednesday, in order to reach Newtown where we expect to hold meeting on Thursday.  I wish you to arrange for the meeting, and get the people out.  Please give a wide notice.

Have the meeting where you choose.  I trust that much good will thus be done, and that you will be able to raise some money for any debt that may be upon your school, or school house, or to aid your school next year, if you have a debt.

I shall by the same mail inform [[underlined]] Mr. McGrath [[/underlined]] of our coming.  [[underlined]] Judge Bond [[/underlined]] is one of the first speakers we have.

Respectfully Yours
(Sgd.) John Kimball
Supt. Education.

N.B.  The notice is short, but I hope you may find it sufficient.  This is the only occasion of which I am aware that it will be convenient for us to meet you.

[[Footnote 1]]  Please reply immediately to this letter.

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Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Office Supt. Education D.C. &c.
Washington Aug. 10th 1870

[[underlined]] Gillett  Mr. Robt. H. [[/underlined]]

Dear Sir:

I expect with [[underlined]] Judge Bond [[/underlined]] of Baltimore to visit your place next week, on Thursday Aug. 9, where we wish to meet and address as many of the people as can come together.  We shall be there during the day but leave at night, to take the "Maggie", (steam boat) back to Baltimore.  We will hold a meeting at Princess Anne, the day before (Wednesday) our coming.  I write you asking you to inform the trustees of the school, and to get the people to attend that day in large numbers.

We hope this visit will help on the school, and advance the cause of Education among you.  The notice is short but I hope it will be sufficient.  It is the only time when we can come.

Reply immediately, stating if you will be able to get a large number of persons together.

Respectfully Yours,
(Sgd.) John Kimball
Supt. of Education.

P.S.  [[underlined]] Maj. VanDerlip [[/underlined]] informed me that you can get the people over, that you are a good man for the work.

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Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Office Supt. Education D.C. &c.
Washington Aug. 10th 1870

[[Footnote 1]]

[[underlined]] Grath  Mr. Mc. [[/underlined]]

Dear Sir:

I have written that [[underlined]] Judge Bond [[/underlined]] & I will be at your place, one week from tomorrow Aug. 18th, to dedicate the school house, and hold a public meeting.  I addressed [[underlined]] Mr. Wilson, [[/underlined]] Baltimore.  I wish you and the trustees to work earnestly, and get up as large a meeting as possible, and I hope we shall have a good day, and help on the cause of Education.  Let there be a wide spread notice of the meeting.  We shall leave in the afternoon to hold a meeting in Newtown on Tuesday.

Respectfully Yours,
(Sgd.) John Kimball
Supt. Education.

[[Footnote 1]] Please write immediately.