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[[preprinted]] 451 [[/preprinted]]

D.C. &c.

June 4th

Sec. W. Stickney Esq.
Washington, D. C.

Dear Sir:

Please disburse enclosed Check for eight hundred and sixty 86/100 dollars ($ 860 86/100) in the following manner.
Wm Ballantyne Cash 18.82
Cushings & Bailey Check 3.82
Jane Knight "[[ditto for Check]] 20.00
Mary E. Cornish "[[ditto for Check]] 18.60
James H. Brooks Cash 20.00 to be deposited
Gavin W. Gaines Check 15.05
Jane S. Allen "[[ditto for Check]] 20.00
Florence K. West "[[ditto for Check]] 20.00
Susan Morris "[[ditto for Check]] 20.00
Amt. carried ford $ 156.29

Transcription Notes:
Some of text at beginning of page appears to be bleed through from other page - This is also a duplicate of next page