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Tampa Bay Florida
February 24th 1850


I have the honor to report that Major Markland, the special agent, arrived here yesterday having made great dispatch.

He has delivered to me one hundred thousand dollars, being funds for fulfilling treaties with Indians, & I have given him duplicate receipts therefore, dated yesterday.

These funds have arrived just in time to meet the payment of the first party of Indians consisting of 75 to 80 of all ages & both sexes. Major Markland will return to Washington by first opportunity - probably leaving here on 27th instant.

Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servt
John C. Casey
Capt & Special agent for removing Seminoles

Orlando Brown    }
Com. Ind. Affairs}

Tampa Bay Florida Mar 1, 1850
Sir, I have the honor to report that yesterday I paid off and [[shipped?]] for norleans barracks, a small party of of Seminoles.................. 74
men ... 19, women 22, Boys 16, Girls 19 (33).... 74.
The Amt. paid wa,
Migration Money - 15,000
For stock bro't in - 953
 [[summmation line]]                      __
  Total Amt.           $15,953
being at the rate of $212 55/100 a head
From the best data, I think the whole amt. to be paid will not much exceed $150,000

I venture to suggest that the Supt [[?]] be [[?]] to make arrangements for subsisting these Indians from the date of their arrival at their new home, for 12 months, if it has not already been done

Mo respecs Yr ob serv
John C Casey
Special Ass Fla Indians

Col Crawford
secty of war