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wish to see some [[underlined]] Seminoles [[/underlined]] ( [[underlined]] not [[/underlined]] Mikkasookees) from Arkansas and now I desire you to study this matter and send over three or four good steady men and select some who can influence the people I have named.

     Perhaps my friend [[underlined]] Antonio [[/underlined]] ([[Thlee?]] fuskee Hajo) had better be one.  He can talk to the boat people under Old Ismahtee (Eneha Thlokko
     If [[underlined]] Mackenzie [[/underlined]] (son of old Mackenzie) is alive & willing to come, he might have influence with [[underlined]] Assunwah [[/underlined]], & [[underlined]] Fuss Hajo [[/underlined]].  But you will know better than I do whom to bring.

     The Seminole Subchiefs now living are [[underlined]] Assunwah, Fukosa Tustennakkee, Fuss Hajo, Nokosee Emathla [[/underlined]], and several young ones grown up since you left and [[underlined]] Ismahtee [[/underlined]].

     The Tallahassee head men remaining are old [[underlined]] Okchaw Tustennakkee [[/underlined] & [[underlined]] Echo Emathla Chopko [[/underlined]] younge brother of [[underlined]] Cotsa Fixico Chopko [[/underlined]] -

     Coe Emathla, Chitto Tustennakkee & Chitto Hajo are still here with small parties.

     The [[underlined]] Mikkasookee [[/underlined]] chief men are besides Old Appai-akkee, his nephew Tustenntek [[?]] Hajo [[/underlined]], Cotsa Tustennukkee, Cotsa Chopko [[/underlined]] &c, &c, &c, -

     There are not above 120 or 130 warriors left & they are offered a high price to go peaceably.

     Come and save them from a war which must come on them before long - when it will be to late to help them.  They are now in the hands of their friends, but will not be so long unless they come in & join you.  I shall  be very glad to meet some of you here and will do all I can to help you to save the remnant of your people - I hope [[underlined]] Jim Jumper [[/underlined]] or [[underlined]] Wild Cat [[/underlined]] will come in [[charge?]].

[[end of letter]]
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Tampa Bay, Fla. Mar 26/50


     On reaching Ft. Myers on the 18th I learned that no communication had been had with the Seminoles since Feb [[?]] when the delegate [[Halpatuchee?]] visited the vicinity of Bowlegs town

     The next day (19th) Halpatuchee & [[?]] Bowlegs ([[?]]) were sent out to seek an interview, & on the 26th they returned with intelligence that about 3 weeks previously, all the people of Bowlegs' town had moved off toward the 'Big Cypress' & apparently in haste.  [[?]]four men had subsequently - about 18 or 19th - returned to the town & driven a [hay[?]] toward the same place.

     The runner followed both trails for some distance, but, meeting with no one returned to report.

     [[The good?]] faith of Bowlegs & several of his principal subchiefs can hardly be doubted, and it is probable that they were forced away by the hostile party which some later and unfortunate events have strengthened  the chief will soon communicate and explain the [[?]] I hope, but under the least favorable [[?]] I believe the Seminole will remain peaceable as long as we leave them alone.

     There is now a stray party in favor of emigration, and, altho unexpected delay may occur or not, yet I still believe that [[?]] we have their confidence they will all go except a small number.

Yrob Srvt
John C Casey

[[in brackets to left]]
H Q [[?]]

Transcription Notes:
The letter on the right hand page is almost illegible in some places and needs lots of work.