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Washington DC.  Sept. 2, 1850
Luint. T. K. Walbridge

Washington DC. September 5, 1850
   Recent information from Florida induces me to modify my views, heretofore communicated, in relation to a great reduction of the troops in that state
   The Indians seem again to apprehend fraud or force and were afraid to visit the posts
   The question of continuing to deny them powder vc vc for hunting, which almost deprives them of food & clothing is still undecided.
   Under these circumstances I can not recommend any important reduction of the forces there
   When these temporary difficulties shall have been [[?]], I think my previous recommendation will make ample provision for the peace of the frontier- so far as the Indians are concerned
                        Very respectfully
                        Your obedient servant
                        John C. Casey
                        Capt USA
                        [[?]] Fla Seminoles
[[? words in the lower left corner]]

Tampa Bay Fla. October 6, 1850
Hon. C.M. Conrad
     Secty. of War
                  Sir, I have the honor to report that the Indians are peaceable and except a small band [[strikethrough of outlaws]], within their limit, and freely visiting the post on Caloosa river.  There is no reason for postponing the reduction of the force to a peace establishment
   It is not impossible that the little party of outlawed Indians may have taken a white boy from the frontier of Marin county last July.  
   Immediate measures will be taken to recall or capture this Band and if they have the missing boy I trust he will soon be recovered
   I leave tomorrow for the South to meet the chief and shall report on my return
                  [[?]] respectfully
                  Your obedient servant
                  John C. Casey
                  [[?]] Fla Indians

      Tampa Bay Florida  October 6, 1850
Gen R Jones
            I transmit herewith a letter for the Honorable Secty. of War in relation to the quiet of this Indian frontier
   I will now- in obedience to your verbal directions- again report my views as to the military police of this frontier, and you will note that the force now recommended is a little larger than I suggested on Aug 7th
   This  increase I make in reference to the opinions of other officers
   1. On the Atlantic, at Indian river, [[?]] two companies (20 men mounted)
   2. At the depot in Charlotte Harbor (7 cases). one company
   3. At the chief post on CaloosaHatchee (Ft. Myers) three companies (15@20 men mounted)
   4. At a post near mouth of [[?]] river two companies (30 men mounted)