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1st a Btl of whiskey for their corn dance after surrender of prisoners - and, [[underline]] if they had brought in the criminals themselves & executed them or him, [[/underline] I should have made large presents of blankets [[?]] - This however [[underline]] was not promised them [[/underline]] in any degree - directly or indirectly and of course is not to be done now.
I left with Dr. Crane the net proceeds of the sale of the Indian ponies ($ 64 69/00) to pay to Bowlegs for [[underline]]E.E. Chopko & nephew [[/underline]] and it was paid-
Also $9,30 for [[underline]] Chee-pah-nee [[/underline]] (son of Kotsu-fixico-thlokko) for bringing in white mens ponies & mule which was paid to Bowlegs on May 27th.
As I mentioned above the original value of the ponies taken by Mr. I. Summerlin (not by soldiers) from E.E. Chopko was $149- and had he attended when sent for I should have paid him all- and had he attended anytime before the murder was known to me-I should have deducted only a small amt. to be determined by his chief Bowlegs - to punish him for his delay and for not claiming the ponies when they were taken or any time 6 months afterwards.
I now have paid him only the net proceeds of the sale of his poniees at auction - under the stray law and he may be glad to get this, for he was out of the limits when he lost them.
Now with regard to the Limits or Boundary - 
    The Line is from the mouth of the River around the Big prairie (Hi-ok-po-thokko) to South and of Lake Istokpoga - thence via Istokpoga-sassa (or creek) to Kissimmee - thence down to Okee Chobee through that Lake to S. end and thence to mouth of Shark river and back to mouth of the Pea river [[underline]] excluding [[/underline]] all the Keys in Charlotte Harbour from the Indian country.
[[underline]] The Chiefs [[/underline]] have wisely made a law to make all the families live S. of Caloosa Hatchee- but they may give their men permission to hunt on the Big Prairie or any where S of line above described.
Of course you & they may allow E.E. Chopko to go after his [[strikethrough]] Horse[[/strikethrough]] ^ Hogs^ which was south of above described line- but some trusty man should be sent with him to prevent his going up to Thopkee-Lai-Kee Lake or 

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anywhere out of limits
With regard to powder & lead, I have to observe that in my opinion [[underline]] one half powder per annum [[/underline]] is sufficient for hunting purposes-and add 4 to 6 lbs lead-to each man.

I would allow no man to buy ammunition for another but compel them to attend, any man, at least once a year at the Agency-by keeping a roll of those who get their powder etc. etc-
[[underline]] Since early 1849 they have not been allowed to buy any ammunition, [[/underline]] and I told them that until all their peace laws are in force- all within the boundary and proper intercourse with the chiefs arranged- I should not allow the trade in powder etc. but afterwards would allow what was necessary for hunting - to each man under the order of the chief. 
This they all understand and hence their late efforts and success in restoring Law
    [[underline]] The claim of Osanna Hajo [[/underline]].
I had the pony ready for him nearly 3 months at Ft. Myers & he knew it - He dare not come for it because he knew of the murder (though indirectly)
Let him look to his chief for pay - as that chief failed to keep up intercourse (for some reason)
    They must learn, and they can understand perfectly well - that they can forfeit their claim by rascality.
But besides this reason Mr. Kennedy & Darling deny that he paid anything on account and when Mr. Kennedy claimed the poney, of course I gave it back to him- especially as Osanna Hajo would not come in. 
   The Indians got the Books from the store (Chokko-hilela) & may have them. [[underline]] There [[/underline]] is the record of any payment made by Osanna Hajo. Mr Payne was killed by them so that he cannot testify.
They now suffer for their own acts.
Lastly none of E.E. Chopkos people have any claim for any thing while they were outlaws, and only recieve any thing now through their proper chiefs Bowlegs, Jones etc
You had better inform the Indians of the suicide of the 3 prisoners on the 23rd May-