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Had they brought them in with proper ordinance I could have hung Pahosee, and sent the other two west alive which would have been better for them- but I doubt the story- Knowing E.E. Chopko to be the worst man in the nation - Knowing that he lost 3 ponies- knowing that the boys pony had a mark when he returned to show that he had been taken to pay for horses - knowing that in October last E.E. Chopko was taunted with the murdered white servant and sobered at once & finally that he would long since have brought in the criminal had he himself not been concerned. 
I will engage Sampson for you & send him down as soon as possible
Col. Winder
Ft. Myers

Yours truly
J.C. Casey

Tampa Bay Florida 
June 2. 1851

Davis Stone Esq

Dr Sir, I recd. yr. letter of April 14th at Caloosa Hatchee. Your estimate of 127 warriors is not far from what I believe to be the truth.
    I presume that there are today in the woods say ------ 108 warriors
We have removed or had killed in the last 2 years  30/138 warriors 
making in all 11 more than you supposed.
    Since my return to Tampa Bay I have received a letter from Mr. Wm F. Russell dated Indian River Fla April 25. 1851 in which he says-
    "the mare and colt belong to Mr. Merrill now "in N.Hampshire, I am his Agent"
Now as I believe you to have been the owner and as I paid you the proceeds, I have to request that you will make an affidavit before a Justice of Peace to that effect. Your description was accurate and [[underline]] Nokos Hajo [[/underline]] said they were yours.I want to file your affidavit against the claim of Mr. Merrill and his agent Mr. Russell

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Please forward your affidavit to me at this place & oblige
Yr Obedt Servt
John C. Casey
Capt USA

P.S. I an no longer the Indian Agent, but have turned over the duties to Mr. L. Blake, who expects to remove them all to Arkansas next winter.

Tampa Bay Florida 
June 3, 1851


Herewith I have the honor to transmit the receipt of Dr. S.T. Everett [[?]] for [[underline]] Eighty dollars [[/underline]] being the amt. paid by the [[?army/agents]] for a horse (pony) thro' Col Hunt, and which animal I recd. from Capt Thos Jones [[?]] which actg. as Ind. Agt. under the order of Major Twiggs.
    I have lost the Invoice recd. from Capt. Jones Being no longer Ind. Agent, I have turned ov er the cost of the ponys instead of the animal itself, which I have to request that you will sanction-
most resptfly
yr obedt. servt
JC Casey Capt USA


Lieut T.K. Walbridge refc
Fort Washington D.C. 

    I forward an order from Hd Qu W "Du" (S.O. N° 33) which may be necessary for you to draw your transportation on. 
John C. Casey
Capt USA
Tampa Bay 
June 6. 1851.