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Tampa Bay Fla July 29. 1856

Hon. Jeffn. Davis
Sec. War    


Capt. C.L. Kilburn C.S having consented to take charge of the public funds & property connected with the Agency for Removal of the Fla. Indians, I have ordered Lieut. J.K. Walbridge to turn them over to him.

I respectfully ask your approval of this measure, as my health is too precarious to justify my opening accounts with the Treasury unless it be absolutely necessary

Most respectfully
Your obedt servt
[[signature]]J.C. Casey [[/signature]]Capt

P.S. I have turned over to Col. Munroe the building heretofore accupied as an Agency house at Ft Myers.

Tampa Bay Flordia

July 29. 1856

Hon. Jeffer Davis S.W.

Sir; I have the honor to transmit here with the final accounts of Lieut J.K. Walbridge on Indian Duty being for 2d Qr [[?]] of 3d Qr 1856

I have to ask your approval of [[? ? ? ]] billing for fuel for myself during 6 months.

[[signature]]J.C. Casey[[/signature]]
Capt. USA

Tampa Bay Fla. Aug 10/56

Hon J.Davis
Secty War   

Sir,  The "Indian Goods" on hand have been carefully inspected and repacked, and I now have to report that the quantity is greater than will be required here.

As these articles were selected for issue to Southern Indians and are in good order, I respectfully suggest that they might be transferred to the Indian Dept. instead of being kept on hand, to deteriorate, or sell at auction for a fraction of their value

I enclose a memorandum of the articles not required & of their cost, and desire yr. instructions in relation thereto

Very respclly Yr Ob Servt
[[signed]] J C Casey [[signed]] Capt USA

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Mem. of Ind: Goods on hand at Tampa Bay & not wanted for issue to Florida Indians.

400 Blankets 6ft: 6in. x 4ft. 10in. wgh. 4lbs. 5oz. @ $3 30/100
592 3/4 yd. Blue Drilling @ 13¢
200 paper needles @ 8¢
500 spool thread @ 5/ for 50[[?]]
1168 ft Binding @ .10¢
[[?]]          [[inital]]JC.C.[[/initials]]

Tampa Bay Florida
August 17.1856 

Hon. Jeffn Davis}            
Secty. of War   }  Sir,
The [[underlined]] per capita [[/underlined]] authorized by the Dept:, in your letter to me of March 18. 1856, for living Indians who may be captured or induced to come in, excluded all under 10 yrs. of age, as was recommended by me.

Altho' none have yet been captured, I hope for a different result when we have more fortmen in the Cypress & a better season for operations than the last. 

At the instance of Gov. Broome, I now recommend that the premium be allowed for all ages.

Besides offering increased stimulus to our partisans it will secure  protection & care of little children, who might, under many circumtances, be regarded only as embarrassments by their captor

Very recplly,
[[signed]]J.C. Casey [[/signed]]
Capt USA

Tampa Bay Fla. Aug 28. 1856

Sir; In my letter of the 10th. inst: recommending that certain Indian Goods, on hand here, might be transferred to the Indian Dept:, I should have stated, what I now beg leave to add, viz; that after such transfer there would still remain a sufficient quantity on hand (partly damaged)for issue to all the Florida Indians if coming, or brought, in, for emigration.

Very resptfully
Your obed Sevt
[[signed]]J.C. Casey [[/signed]]Capt.

Hon Jeffn Davis}
Secty. of War  }