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[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] 1 [[margin]] Matamoros Mex. July 20. 1847 To Gen Geo [[Gibronbes?]] Washington DC [[/margin]] General, I have to report that I arrived at Brazos depĂ´t on the 17th and reported for duty to Capt. A B Eaton C.V. in charge of the dept. with this division of this division of the Army A copy of his inspection is herewith transmitted and I shall, by first conveyance, proceed to Comargo & Monterey Very respectfully your obedt servt J. C. C. C.O. re.v.a. [[line across page]] 2 [[margin]] Camargo Mexico July 30. 1847 To Capt A.B. Eaton. Chf Comr No: Division of the Army in Mexico. [[/margin]] Captain, I have to report that while at Reynosa I authorized W [[Erwin?]] the agent to hire temporarily a clerk and 5 or 6 laborers and directed him to overhaul his stores. He has a large quantity on hand and, as much of it is damaged, a thorough inspection is necessary, the quarter master's agent always furnishes assistance when his laborers are unemployed but they cannot be depended on. There is no intelligence from Gen Scott's army and Quarter master Crosman informs me that orders have been received to have every thing ready for a forward movement by the 20th proximo. Capt F Britton actg' A. G. S. here is overhauling the stores. I shall urge strongly on Gen Taylor the expediency of having Capt Patrick placed in charge of this Depot as it is second only to Brazos, so long as the army shall depend on supplies from its rear. Besides your own decided opinion on this point, I must now add my own. Very Respectfully Your Obdt Srvt [[signature]] J. C. Casey [[/signature]] Capt Com: Sub: U. S. Army P. S. I shall leave tomorrow for Monterey. [[line across page]] [[margin]] 3 Cerralvo, Mexico Augst 5th, 1847. [[/margin]] To Capt. F. Britton A.G. Sub. Camargo. [[/margin]] Capt., You will please furnish Lieut. G. J. Emery, A.A.C.S. at this post with, say, $400 by the first safe conveyance on account of Army Subsistence. He is instructed to make timely requisitions on you for sub. stores, which will of course be answered as far as practicable Very Respectfully Your Obdt. Serv. J. C. Casey. Capt. & actg' G.Q.S. in the field