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Lieut, You will please to make timely requisitions on the A.G.S. at Camargo, for subsistence stores--keeping not less than two weeks supply in advance.

Requisitions are to be made in the form of estimates, stating the amount in rations of each article on hand, the daily demand and the amount required from the Depot.

Please hereafter to forward your monthly summary statement to Capt. A. B. Eaton Com: Sub: at Brazos Depot, and he will forward it to Washington City

Examine all your stores in hand, and as often as practicable and after damaged stores shall have been condemned as unfit for issue, sell them or destroy them as directed by the [[underline]] board [[/underline]]; if sold, the U.S. mark should be erased.

Very Respectfully,
Your Obdt Serv
[[signature]] J. C. Casey [[/signature]]
Capt. Actg. C.G.S USA in the field

Cerralvo, Mexico.
Augst 5th, 1847

Lieut. C. J. Emery, A.A.C.S.


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Captain, Herewith you will receive a list of prices for the government of the subsistence Department with this army, which, you will please cause to be copied and distributed among the issuing commissaries attached to Gen. Wool's command with directions to have the tariff placed in some conspicuous position at the issuing Stores.

Very Respectfully,
Your Obdt. Servt.
[[signature]] J.C. Casey [[/signature]]
Capt. Actg. C.G.S. U.S.A. in the field

Camp near Monterey
Augst 11th, 1847.

Capt. J. L. Donaldson
Actg. Com: Sub: U.S.A.

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Captain, - I have to request that requisitions for funds and supplies may be made in the form of Estimates - Stating the amount of money, or of each article required - the time, and number of troops for which required - the balance on hand at date of estimate and the difference, or amount of the requisition. These data are required for the information of the Comd'g. General and the Department.

Please also to accompany your requisition with an explanatory letter.

Office of Com: Gen: Sub:
Hd. Qs  Near Monterey Mex.
Augst 12th, 1847

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Capt. J.L. Donaldson
Actg' Com: Gen: Sub:
Hd. Qu. Saltillo, Mex.

Please to inform me whether Treasury notes are convertible into specie at, or above par with you.

Very Respectfully,
Your Obdt. Servt.
[signature]] J.C. Casey [[/signature]]
Capt. Com: Sub: U.S. Army

[[line across page]]

Camp N. Monterey, Mex.
August 16 1847.

Col. Geo. Talcott
Ordnance Department
Washington City

Colonel, I have the honor to transmit herewith a Return of Ordnance and ordnance stores received and issued by me in the present quarter - closing my accounts with your Department.

Very Respectfully,
Your Obdt. Servt.
[[signature]] J. C. Casey [[/signature]]
Capt. Com: Sub: U.S.A.

[[line across page]]

Camp N. Monterey
Aug. 17 1847

Lt. J. Stewart A.C.S.
Monterey Mex.


Please forward, by first conveyance, the sum of $25,000 in Treasury notes to Capt. A.B. Eaton C.S. U.S.A. at Brazos depôt.

Very Respectfully,
Your Obedt. Serv.
[[signature]] John C. Casey [[/signature]]
Capt. Com: Sub: U.S.A.

[[line across page]]

Camp N. Monterey
Aug. 17, 1847

A.C.S. Saltillo
"[[ditto for A.C.S.]] Comargo
"[[ditto for A.C.S.]] Reynosa
Capt. Eaton
Gen Gibson



You will please to make monthly reports to this office of the no. of rations, of each article, on hand at your post or depôt at the end of each month, distinguishing between stores fit for issue and those which are not. Report, at the same time, the No. of rations issued by you per month 1. to troops, of all kinds. 2. To citizen employees in [[?]] to the Depts &c &cc 

Examine all your stores, as soon as possible, and dispose of such as may be condemned, according to regulation. For this purpose apply for a detail & where one can not be had, hire the necessary force.

The Dept. desires to replace all damaged stores by fresh ones as early as practicable.

Very resply Yr. Ob. Servt
[[signature]] J.C.C. Cpt [[/signature]]