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[[right margin} (10) in Monterey Mex Aug 17, 1847 [[/right margin]] 4 Captain, I transmit herewith for your information, the following papers. 1. A copy of Order No. 95 A of O. Aug. 15/47 assigning me to duty as Chf. at Hd. Qu. 2. A copy of a circular issued by me on Aug. 17, 1847 3. A Statement of the supplies on hand with this army. 4. A memmn exhibiting the force and distribution of the army of occupation, as it will be after the execution of Order No 96 of which I send you a copy. I would suggest that the perishable parts of the ration [say one half or more of the Flour Bread Beans & Rice & one fourth of the Pork & Bacon] be [[underlined]] replaced [[/underlined]] as early as practicable by fresh supplies. The reduction of this army to a defensive force now in process of execution, will enable our dept. to supply a sufficiency of fresh provision without a surplus, after we shall have disposed of the large quantity of old stores, now on hand. [[underlined]] For the present [[/underlined]] we require no more stores in this direction. Please to furnish me with copies of your estimates on the north & [?] for the information of the Comdr. Genl. and to enable me to regulate the sale or destruction of old & damaged stores on this part of the line. I ordered Mr. Gunn, Agent at [[underlined]] Reynosa, [[/underlined]] to overhaul all his stores and report the amt of good supplies on hand to you. After the reduction of this army, I hope that depôt of Suba may be dispensed with or very much reduced, as the light draft boats will then be enabled to carry all the Suba required on and above the upper Rio Grande. Very respectfully, Your obdt sevt John C. Casey Capt Com Sub USA [[left margin]] Capt. A.B. Eaton Chf. C.S.A. of A Brazos depôt [[end page]] [[start page]] [[left margin]] (11) nr Monterey Mex Aug. 17, 1847 [[/left margin]] 5 Captain, In compliance with the spirit of your letter of July 18, I have ordered Lieut Stewart A.C.S. to send you $25.000 in Treasury notes which will leave but $25000 on hand here, as a like sum was transmitted to Capt. Donaldson acting C.S at Saltillo. These funds are convertible into specie (I ^[[often]] at a premium here) and I therefore deem it for the public interest to keep part of them here, as you can procure specie from N. Orleans without difficulty, but I do not feel at liberty to suspend the whole of your requisition of the 18th July. Hoping that you will approve of my action in this matter I remain Very respectfully Your obedt. servt John C. Casey Capt Com Sub U.S.A. [[right margin]] Capt. A.B. Eaton C.S. U.S.A. Brazos [[?]] (12) n Monterey Mex. Aug. 17, 1847 [[/right margin]] General, I have the honor to transmit herewith 1. A copy of order No 95 dated Aug. 15/67 assigning me to duty at Hd Qrt. Army of Occupation 2. A statement of Suba with this army 3. A memn of the force and distribution of this army as it will be after the reduction, now in process of execution, shall have been effected. Of the vast surplus on this line, nearly all the breadstuffs and dried vegetables and much of the pork and bacon are damaged. Hereafter the estimates, which will be made by Captain Eaton Senior C.S., will specify the quantities of each item of the ration required, and a sufficiency of fresh supplies, without a surplus, will be easily regulated. Very respectfully Your obedt servt John C. Casey Capt. C.S. USA [[left margin]] Gen. Geo. Gibson C.G.S. Washington D.C. [[/left margin]]