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[[in margin[[
Offe of Com Subs:
Head qrs. Monterey
December 4 1847

Capt I.L. Donaldson
Actg Com: Subs:
Saltillo, Mex o
[[/in margin[[


You will please to order all the issuing A.C.G. at and near Saltillo to forward their [[underlined]] monthly [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] quarterly [[/underlined]] papers to this office, and from here they will be forwarded to Washington, unless upon inspection it should be necessary to return them for correction.  The [[underlined]] monthly [[/underlined]] papers will be made out within [[underlined]] 10 days [/underlined]] of the end of the month, and the [[underlined]] quarterly [[/underlined]] papers within [[underlined]] 15 days [[/underlined]] of the end of the quarter

All papers must be neatly prepared & endorsed according to regulations, and printed forms which have, I believe, been furnished to all.

Very Respectfully
Your Obedt Servt
[[signed]] John C Casey ]]signed]]
Capt Com: Subs: U.S.A.

[[dividing line]]

[[in margin]]
Offce of Com: Subs:
Hd:Qts: Montery
December 5 1847

Capt E S Sibley
a. am. Hd:Qts'
[[/in margin]]


I transmit a memorandum of supplies required from Carmargo before the end of the month. This Estimate is reduced as low as is compatible with the wants of the service, and therefore I shall order the depot commissary at Carmargo to forward a larger quantity of rations

The percent minimum estimate will require say 181 wagons.

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servt
[[signed]]John C Casey [[/signed]]
Capt Com: Subs: U.S.A.
[[dividing line]]

Memo of subs; required from the Camargo depot.  This month Dec  [[?]] 1847

Rations of |  Gross weight
Pork 80.000  | 97.500 lbs:
Bacon 25.000  | 23.000 "[[ditto for lbs:}}
Flour 130 000  |  132,596 "[[ditto for lbs:]]
Bread 20 000  |  24 560 "[[ditto for lbs:]]
Beans 100.000  | 19 0000 "[[ditto for lbs:]]
Rice 40.000  |  5. 000 "[[ditto for lbs:]]
Coffee 130, 000 | 9 500 "[[ditto for lbs:]]
Sugar [[blank line]] |  [[blank line]]
Vinegar 75, 000 |  8, 025
S. Candles 180 000 | 3.060
         |  4. 300

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[in margin]]
Office of Com: Subs:
Monterey Mex
Dec 6th 1847

Major R Roman
Com: Subs:
[[/in margin]]

Soap 92 000  |  4 300 lbs:
Salt [[blank line]]  | [[underlined]] [[blank line]] [[/underlined]]

Gross Weight   [[underlined]]  326.441 lbs: [[/underlined]]

On say 181 wagons at 1800 each
[[signed]]John C Casey [[?]] [[/signed]]
[[underlined]] December 1847 [[/underlined]]

[dividing line]]


The train with subsistence arrives on Friday the 3rd inst., I regret much that the G. M. Depot could not furnish transportation sufficient to fill up my former requesition I now send you an Estimate of stores required to be here this month- and you will add 100.000 of all articles except salt to this estimate if there be adequate transportation or complete rations (except salt) to the extent of transportation than can be obtained beyond the minimum estimate.  It is desirable to have two months supply on hand here (330 000 rations) if possible and the estimate herewith will place but 
200 000 rations on hand on Aug 1st.

If you shall have forwarded the Pork & Rice (100 & 75 [[??]] ) heretofore called for and omitted in last train for want of transportation, then alter this estimate accordingly

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servt
[[signed]] John C. Casey [[signed]]

Capt Com:Subs: U.S. A.

[[dividing line]]

Estimate of Subs: Stores required from Carmango, at Monterey Mex in December 1949
100. 000 Rations Pork
45. 000 "[[ditto for Rations]] Bacon
130. 000 "[[ditto for Rations]] Flour
20. 000 "[[ditto for Rations]] Bread
100. 000 "[[ditto for Rations]] Beans
50. 000 "[[ditto for Rations]] Rice
130. 000 "[[ditto for Rations]] Coffee 
75. 000 "[[ditto for Rations]] Vinegar
180. 000 "[[ditto for Rations]] Candles
100. 000 "[[ditto for Rations]] Soap
requiring say 180,& 200 wagons. [[underlined]] If more transportation can be furnished [[/underlined]] send additionsl full rations (3/5 salt meat meat cautions only) up to 100. 000 rations excepting salt.

[[signed]]John C. Casey [[signed]]Capt, Com: Subs: U.S.A.
on Date, Hd Qts Monterey

Monterey Mexs
December 6, 1847

Transcription Notes:
Even enlarging and using a magnifier, where amounts are written, instead of a "," it appears to me to be a dot or completely omitted, so was transcribed as such.