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Offc of Com: Subs:
Head Quarter,
Monterey Dec 10 1847


Lieut I. D. Coehross
Texas Rangers


Your receipt to the alealde of Marine dated Dec 2 Buy for Pork and Bread amounting to seven 21/100 Dollars was presented to me Dec 7th and paid.

You will please to inform me on whose accounts these supplies are accounted for, also what circumstances rendered the purchase necessary, as it is presumed that Detachments draw provisions here or in Cerralvo to last during the intermediate march.

The commanding General also directs thas hereafter when purchasing supplies in certificate, you will, at once, notify the officer who is to pay the account, and report the reasons for the purchase, and on whose papers (what A.C.S.) the articles bought will be accounted for 

The quantity and cost of each article should always be stated.

Very Respectfully ,
Your Obdt Servt.
[[signed]] John C. Casey [[/signed]]
Capt. Com: Subs: U.S.A.
[[dividing line]]

Offc of Com: Gen: Subs:
at Head Qts:
Monterey Dec 10 '47


Capt I. B. Reed
Comdg' L & S Bacyers


I have received your receipt dated Marine Nove 7th or 8th buy to Don F. Martinez for beef and Bread amounting to Twelve Dollars ($12) it was presented to me on Nov 30th and paid.  

I have now to request that you will report to me on whose accounts the articles are, or will be accounted for - this information being required to make my payment legal.

I am also directed by the commanding General to ask of you a statement of the circumstances which rendered it necessary for you to buy substences on the road, as it is presumed that you drew provisions for your march before starting.

The General also directs that hereafter when it may be necessary for you to procure provisions from Mexicans on others on certificate, you will at once notify me or the officer who is to pay the account and state the reasons for the purchase and on whose papers the article purchased will be accoonted for.

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt. Servt.
[[signed]] John C. Casey [[/signed]]
Capt. Com: Subs: U.S.A.
on duty Hd: qtr: a. of o.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Offc of Com: Suns:
at Head Quarters
Monterery Dec 15 1847

Gen. Geo. Gibson
Com: Gen: Subs.
Washington City


I forward herewith the monthly papers of [[?]] that I. Burgess Agt. Subs. Dept. Buena Vista and Lieut I. W. Morrel A.A.C.S. Texas Rangers at Eucantado; Are error in [[??]] returns {except nos soap} has been pointed out to him and I have requested him to make more distinct figures.

Lt. Morrel is informed of the errors in his sales to officers [tariff wrong] and is directed to give explanations and an order for his extra issues not authorized by Regulations.  He has been requested to fold his papers properly. 

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servt[[signed]] John C Casey [[/signed]]
Capt Cam: Subs: U.S.A.
[[dividing line]]

Offc of Com:Subs:
at Head Quarters
Monterey Dec 15 '47


Mr Cha I. Burgess
Agt Subs: Dept


I  have received your November Return Vc.  These papers will be forwarded to the C.G.S. at Washington by west mail.

An error occurs in the Return in Receipt No 5 [form Lt. Whiting] you have credited yourself with [[double underline]] 147 lbs soap [[/double d]] instead of [[double underlined]] 447lbs [[.double underline]] which please to correct on your next monthly Return.

P.S.  You are requested to make your figures more distinct, especially figures [[underlined]] 4 [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] 7 [[/underlined]] [four and seven]
[[dividing line]]]

Office of Com:Subs:
at Head Quarters
Monterey Dec 15 1847



Your papers for November have been received and will be forwarded to the Com: Gen: Subs: at Washington by next mail.

Your abstract of the extra issues requires explanation see paragraph in Regulations. Subs: Dept, all [extra or otherwise] not authorized by Regulations should "be accountanced by the auth only under which they are made" [see par 1136 Reg. Sub: Dept].  The extra issues to the picket guard at "Guachachel" require such a voucher.  An explanation of the circumstances, with the order of your commanding officer are necessary.

From your abstract of sales to officers I observe what you charge too high, and you will call on Capt Donaldson for a copy of the August tariff if you have not got one already, and observe what officers to be charged the prices at Brazos Island Depot.

I have to request that you will fold all your papers to the size of three folded letter papers (like this sheet) for the convenience