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[[margin]] Lt I. W. Morrel A.A.C.S. Texas Rangers [[/margin]] 26 of the department at Washington, Very Respectfully Your Obdt Servt [[signed]] John C. Casey [[/signed]] Capt Com: Subs: U.S.A. [[dividing line]] [[margin]] Office of Com:Subs: Hd Qrt Monterey Dec 20th 1847 (64) Major R. Roman C.S. Carmargo: [[/margin]] Major, I have recd: your report of Supplies on hand on December 1st, also your letter of Dec. 9th, in relation to packing bags, I fully approve of your suggestions and shall review orders for processing the bags and shall have them returned to you except such as may be required here for packing corn meal. I hope my requisition of Dec. 6th. will be complied with at an early day, and before January, but the mail just in brings no notice of a train. Very Respectfully Your Obdt Servt [[signed]] John C. Casey [[/signed]] Capt Com: Subs: U.S.A. [[dividing line]] [[margin]] Office of Com: Subs: Hd Qts Monterey Dec. 20th, 1847 (65) Capt A. B. Eaton Com: Sub: Brazos Island [[/margin]] Captain I have received your letters of the 6th & 7th of Dec. together with an invoice of the Stores on hand at Brazos Depot on the 6th. With regard to [[underlined]] new Stores [[/underlined]] as requested by Gen Wool on November 23rd. and ordered by him on Dec 10th, you will perceive by my letter of Dec. 10th that I reguarded it as applying only to Flour, Bread, Rice, and Beans. Most of the Bacon and Pork received here has been good lately. By the last train we received 15 half barrels of very fine Corned Beef 8 of which were forwarded to Saltillo. Lieut Stewart has already resumed his reports to you of stores on hand and they will be continued. In relation to the relief of S. I have made repeated applications to Gen. Wool and will again bring the matter before him. There is an agent here who can take charge of the Depot whenever the Genl. will relieve Lieut Stewart. Very Respectfully Your Obdt Servt [[signed]] John C. Casey [[/signed]] Capt Com: Subs: U.S.A. [[end page]] [[start page]] [[margin]] Off of C.S. Monterey Dec 21/47 (66) Capt AB Eaton in Brazos Depot [[margin]] 27 Captain, I am informed by the Comdg General that he will immediately relieve Lieut I Stewart from duty in our dept. - placing Mr H R Cases Agt in charge of this depot. Lieut S. will probably go down with the next trai, [[underlined]] en route [[/unerlined]] to Vera Cruz [[??]] Very Respectfully Your Obdt Servt [[signed]] John C. Casey [/signed]] Capt. C.S. [[dividing]] [[margin]] Off of C.G. Monterey Dec 21/47 (67) Capt I. L. Donaldson Actg C S: Saltillo [[/margin]] Captain, An estimate dated Dec. 6. for supplies to subsist troops near Saltillo until Febry. 6. 1848 was duly recd: and will be complied with an early as possible after the arrival of next train from Comargo - expected here about 25th inst: Meantime I have directed a sufficiency of Bacon Soap and Salt to be forwarded at once to enable you to keep up regular issues - say 20,000 rts. Bacon & soap and 50.000 Salt. I have rec: the [[underlined]] Novr. [[/underlined]] papers from Mr C.E. Burgess Agt sub Dept and Lt. Morrel a.a.c.s. Tex. Rangers. Please inform me what other officers are issuing, and order them to forward their papers to me. Please also to direct all issuing [[ ??]] to preserve and return the sacks in which supplies are put up - expecially the India rubber sack & the outer sacks which enclose the "[[?]]" sack. I have to request that you will report to me how many rations of corn meal per month the troops would like in lieu of Flour or Bread very respectfully Your obedt Servt [[signed]] J.C. Casey [[/signed]] [[dividing]] [[margin]] Off of C.S. Monterey, Dec 22nd 1847 (68) [[margin]] Lieutenant, I am directed by the Commanding General to inform you that orders will at once be issued relieving you from duty in this Department. Mr H. P Casey Agent Subs: Dept: will relieve you from charge of the Depot and you will to him all the public property, books, papers, orders and instructions. I will receive the pubic funds from you. In communicating to you this tardy compliance with your separated demand to be relieved, it is my duty and pleasure to thank you for the valuable Service you have rendered to this Department, and I hope you will not have