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[[start page]] [[in margin]] Lt I Stewart 3rd Ar ACS Depot [[/in margin]] 28 cause to regret your detention at this Depot. Wishing you a safe and speedy journey to your regiment and pleasant service. I am Very Respectfully Your obdt servt [[signed]] J C Casey [[/signed]] Capt Com: Subs: U.S.A. [[dou Lt. I Stewart 3rd Ar ACS Depot [[double dividing line]] [[in margin]] Office of Com: Subs" Monterey Mexo Dec 22nd 1847 [[/in margin]] Sir, You will relieve Lieut I. Stewart 3rd Art'y A.C.S. in charge of the Depot at this place. He will turn over to you all the property, books orders &c. connected with the Depot. In assigning to you this responsible position it is hardly necessary to enjoin on you a diligent study of and attention to the duties which devolve in you. Very respectfully Your Obdt Servt [[signed]]John C. Casey ]]/signed]] Capt. Com: Subs: U.S.A. [[double dividing line [[in margin]] Ofice of Comm: Sub: Hd Qt Monterey December 23rd '47 (70) [[/in margin]] Captain, I have recd. your papers for Oct & Nov 1847, and have to call your attention to the following points. On your October Return there is no "balance on hand from the last return" (Sept) reported - but [[?]] 2 is a receipt from yourself to yourself. Is this intended to represent the balance from last Sept Return? On your Sum: "Stat" for October there is a balance due the U.S. of $45 32/100 and on your Sum: Stat, for Nov. you report"balance per last Stat. (Oct) $00 Your papers for November are herewith returned to you for correction, and you will please to make them out accordingly to Regulations (see paragraph 1123-4-5-8 & c) Vol No 1 marked "abstract of Provisions issued to troops at Saltillo [[??]]by Capt A.R.Potts[[??]]" is not a voucher. An "Abstract of issues to troops should be an abstract of provisions issued by you to regular troops on provisions returned and the abstract should be compared with the original returns and signed by the commanding officer [see par: 1105 and form 19] In like manner issues "to Hospital" "to volunteers" "to citizens in employ of the Q.M or other Depts" must be on separate abstracts and entered on separate lines on the monthly Return {see par 1111 and 1123]. Provisions delivered by you to other officers are not considered as "issued or expended" and therefore must not be included in an "abs- [[end page]] [[start page]] [[in margin]] Capt A.R. Pitts A.C.S. Saltillo [[/in margin]] -tract of issued:, but must be entered seperately on the Coms half of the Return [par 1123] I shall retain your October papers until I hear from you in relation to the matter of the first paragraph of this letter. Very Respectfully Your Obdt Servt [[signed]] John C. Casey [[/signed]] Capt Coms: Subs [[double dividing line]] [[in margin]] Offc of Com: Subs Hd Qtrs: Monterey Dec 23rd 1847 (71) Capt W.P. Graves A.C.S. Mo Car Vols: Camp {??]] Mill near Saltillo [[/in margin]] Captain Your November accounts have been received and examined. They appear to be correct and will be forwarded to Washington by next mail (to-morrow) Very Resoectfully Your Obdt Servt [[signed]] John C. Casey [[/signed]] Capt Com: Subs: [[double dividing line]] [[in margin]] Offc of Com:Sub: Hd Qts Monterey December 23 '47 (72) Gen Geo: Gibson C.G.S. U.S.A. Washington [[/in margin]] Captain I herewith enclose for distribution among the issuing Commissioners at and near Saltillo several copies (6) of a" List of Prices" to govern sales from and after the 1st of January 1848. Very Resoectfully Your Obdt Servt [[signed]] John C. Casey [[/signed]] Capt Com: Subs: Mr.B. All sales to officers with the army of occupation from Brazos to Buena Vista [[??]] - will be made at [[underlined]] Brazos Prices [[/underlined]] [[end page]]