Viewing page 20 of 79

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[[in margin]]
Maj. R.Roman
Com Subs:
[[/in margin]]\

Very Respectfully 
Your obdt servt   
John C Casey 
Capt Com. subs.

[[dividing line]]

[[in margin]]
Ofc of Com. Subs
Jany '18 1848
[[/in margin]]


I forward by this mail the papers of Captain  W. P. Graves A.C.S. no La vols: & Lieut Art Harrison a.a.c.s. Va vols: also the papers of Lt Robt M. Wiley no la.  vols: who was a.a.C.S. on a march in May 1847. He has lost his apt of [[underlined]] sales [[/underlined]] but turns over the proceeds | 
and the receipt is his only money account.

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt. Servt. 
[[signed]]John C. Casey [[signed]]
Capt Com:Subs: 

[[dividing lines]]
[[in margin]]
Ofc of Com: Subs:
Monterey Mexo
Jany '18, 1848,


Lt Art. Harrison
a.a.C.S. babvt
Buena Vista
[[/in margin]]


I have this day rec: your letter of the 15th and your quarterly papers (4th quarter 1847) and they appear correct, and will be forwarded to the C.G.S. by next mail.

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servt
[[signed]] John C. Casey [[/signed]]
Capt. Com:Subs:

[[dividing lines]]
[[in margin]]
Ofrc of Com:Subs:
Monterey Mexo
Jany 18, 1847,


Capt W. P. Graves
a.C.S. No Car Vo
[[/in margin]]


Your papers for 4th quarter of 1847. are this day recd: appear correct, and wil [[strikethrough]] this [[/strickethrough]] be forwarded to C.G.S. by next mail

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servt
[[signed]] John C. Casey [[/signed]]
Capt Com:Subs:

[[dividing lines]]

[[in margin]]
Ofc  of Com:subs
Montery Mxo
Jany 18 1848

[[/in margin]]


I have this day recd: your letter of the 17th and your papers of May 1847.

In entering Lt Stuarts invoice (no 3) you charge yourself with [[underlined]] 3 [[/underlined]] bbls Flour instead of [[underlined]] 2 [[/underlined]] bbls, or one too much.  This error I have corrected on your Return, and this reduces your wastage of Flour by same amoount.

Your papers will be forwarded by next mail.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[in margin]]
Lieut R. M. Wiley
a.a.C.S. No Car Vols
Camp Arispis Mills
[[/in margin]]

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servt
[[signed]] John C. Casey [[signed]]
Capt Com:Subs:

[[dividing lines]] 
[[in margin]]
Ofc of Com Subs:
Monterey Mex
Jan 20 1848


Gen: G. Gibson
[[/in margin]]


In the November 1847. accoounts of Lieut I. W. Morrel a.a.C.S. Tex: Cav: are same "extra issues" not authorized by Reg:.  In reply to my letter directing him to report the circumstances is order, reasons to be forwarded to me the accompanying order of Col: Hamtramek or Major Laue. As no explanatiory are given, I recommend that Major Laue be charged with the articles.  He does not appear to have been [[?]] the staff ofr Col: H at the time.

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servt
[[signed]] John C. Casey [[signed]]
Capt. Com: Subs:

[[dividing lines]]
[[in margin]]
Ofc of Com:Subs
Monterey Mex
Jan 20 1848


Captain A. B. Eaton
G.C.S. A of O
Brazos Island
[[/in margin]]


I herewith transmit my monthly  Summary Statement for the month of Deecenber 1847.

Very respectfully
Your Obdt Servt
[[signed]] John C. Casey [[/signed]]
Capt Com: Subs:

[[dividing lines]]
[[in margin]]
Ofc of Com: Sub
Monterey Mxo
Jany 24 1848

[[/in margin]]


I have received your letter of the 15, yesterday, on the 13th inst I addressed you and stated that I wished to hae 300 000 rations at this end of the line if possible and forwarded a statement of supplies on hand in order that you might know how to occupy all the transportation that might offer

I here annex a more definate Estimate

50.000 Rations Pork
150.000 "[[ditto for Rations]] - Flour
150.000 "[[ditto for Rations]] - Rice
100.000 "[[ditto for Rations]] - Coffee (as early as practicable)
100.000 "[[ditto for Rations]] - Sugar
100.000 "[[ditto for Rations]] - Vinegar
100.000 "[[ditto for Rations]] - Candles
75.000 "[[ditto for Rations]] - Soap

Transcription Notes:
Not sure I would transcribe as a table, but rather transcribe the from (writer) and to (recipient) column as margin notes. See p.5.