Viewing page 24 of 79

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Maj: Roman

to forward the following supplies in the course of the next two months (Feby & March)
     | 60.000 Rations Pork & Bacon
^(450.000) | 45.000 "[[ditto for Rations]] Flour & Bread
      |200.000 "[[ditto for Rations]] Rice
      |350.000 "[[ditto for Rations]] Coffee
      |350.000 "[[ditto for Rations]] Sugar
      |200.000 "[[ditto for Rations]] Vinegar
      |200.000 "[[ditto for Rations]] Candles
      |300.000 "[[ditto for Rations]] Soap
      |300.000 "[[ditto for Rations]] Salt

A considerable quantity will be transported on pack mules I am informed by Major binton Q.M.

As soon as the train arrives I will inform you of the condition of flour in bbls.

Very Respectfully
Your obdt Servt
[[signed]]John C. Casey [[/signed]]
Capt Com:Subs:
P.S. I send you a copy of Gen Wool's order No 70

[[double dividing line]]
[[in margin]]
office of C.S.
Hd Qrs Monterey
Feby 4 1848


Capt A.B. Eaton
Com: Subs:
Brazos Island
[[/in margin]]


I enclose herewith a copy of Orders No 70, together with a copy of my letter to Major Roman of this date.

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Sevt
[[signed]] John C. Casey [[/signed]]
Capt Com:Subs:

[[double dividing line]]
[[in margin]]
Offe of C.S.
Hd Qrs Monterey
Feby 6 1848.

[[/in margin]]


From my letter book, I fear there is an error in my estimate of the 4th insl.

The amount should be
  | 60.000 Rations Pork & Bacon (3/4P. 1/4 B.)
  |450.000 "[[ditto for Rations]] Flour & Bread (4/5 F 1/5 B)
  |200.000 "[[ditto for Rations]] Rice
  |350.000 "[[ditto for Rations]] Coffee
  |350.000 "[[ditto for Rations]] Sugar
  |200.000 "[[ditto for Ratios]] Vinegar

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[[start page]]

  |300.000 Rations Soap
  |300.000 "[[ditto for Rations]] Salt

Whereas the amount of Flour & Bread is stated on my letter book [[underlined]] 45.000 [[underlined]] being an ovious error, but which, may have been made in my letter sent to you. 

The Flour in barrels has been received in very good order, and you may therefore forward from 1/3 to 1/2 in bbls hereafter taking care to have the hoops tightened and heads lined.

Very Resoectfully
Your Obdt Servt
[[signed]] John C. Casey [[/signed]]
Capt Com: Sub:

[[double dividing lines]]
[[in margin]]
Office of C.S.
Monterey Mexᵒ
Febry 9 1848


Gen G. Gibson
[[/in margin]]


I have the honor to forward herewith the papers of Captain W.P. Graves A.C.S. No 6a  vol for January 1848.  They appear correct.

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servt
[[signed]]John C. Casey [[/signed]]
Capt Com: Subs:

[[double dividing line]]

[[in margin]]
Office of C.S.
Monterey Mxᵒ
Feny 9th 1848


Capt W.T.Graves
[[/in margin]]


Your papers for January 1848 have been received They appear to be correct, and will be forwarded to Washington by next mail.

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servt
[[signed John C. Casey [[/signed]]
Capt Com: Cubs:

[[double dividing line]]

[[in margin]]
CS  Offcer
Feb 20/48


Capt McTemell
[[/in margin]]

Capt. Mc H P Casey Apt Subs Dept has applied to me for permission to be absent some twenty days or time sufficient to vent Matamora, for I wish him to make arrangements which then for procuring at once a quantity of beef [[?]] to pack [[?]] meal in, I recommend that he be ordd. to go there by first opportunity for this purpose Mr Benser temporarily on duty at the depot can take charge of it during the absence of Mr. C

Very Respectfuly

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