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[[in margin]]
Offc of
Hd Qr Monterey
Feby 11th 1848


Lt. H. W. Whiting
4 arty A.A.C.S.
[[/in margin]]


I have received your returns for Dec '47 and Jany '48 and your quarterly accounts for 4th quarter of 1847.

The former appear correct but the certificate to Hospital abstract may as well hereafter conform to Regulations. see form 9 Reg. Subs: Dept.

I return to you sundry vouchers of your Quarterly papers for correction.  The remarks in pencil point out the defects.

Your monthly papers will be forwarded next mail, and the quarterly papers when the corrected vouchers are forwarded to this office.

Very Respectfully
Your obdt Servt
[[signed]] John C. Casey [[/signed]]
Capt: Com Subs:

[[double dividing line]]

[[in margin]]
Offec of C.S. at
Hd˶ Qrs˶ Monterey
Feby 11th 1848


Gen G. Gibson

[[/in margin]]


I have the honor to transmit herewith the Dec '47 and Jan '48 Returns and [[?]] of Lieut H.W. Whiting 4th arty A.C.S. Saltillo Mex°

His papers for 4th quarter have been sent back to him for correction and he has requested to make the Cert: cato Hosp: Ab: correspond more exactly with prescribed forms, but the present and substantialy correct

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt: Servt:
[[signed]]John C. Casey [[/signed]]
Capt Com: Subs:

[[double dividing line]]

[[in margin]]
Office of C.S. at
Hd˶ Qrs˶ Monterey
Feby 19, 1848

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By Sp: Orders No 101-2. Hd˶Qrs˶ Feby 16, '48 detachments are ordered to Parras and Monclova, two camps of 2nd Dragoons to M.
and Four Comp: Va Vols: to P.

I have to request that you will make arrangements to procure [[underlined]] Flour [[/underllined]] from Parras by every return train as also to purchase as much s possible at Saltillo, in order to save the transportation from the Rio Grande

Captain Potts has written to me about a horse belonging to Subs: Dept: and which he wishes 
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Capt Donaldson
Actg C.S.
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to take at the price paid for him by the Department.

If the Qr. Ms. Dept requires horses you will please Capt D. to turn it over, and take receipts. Public property in possession of one depto can not be sold when it is needed by another Dept

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servt
[[signed]]John C. Casey [[/signed]]
Capt. Com: Subs:

[[double dividing line]]

[[in margin]]
Hd˶Qrs˶ Monterey
Febry' 20 1848


Capt: A.R. Potts
A.C.S. U.S.A.
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I have recd: your Oct: and Dec: Returns to replace those already forwarded

Also your November and January papers and your apts for 4th Qr: Oct: of '47

Vouchers 6 & 9 ab: Purchases 4th Qtr: were recd: from Ags: Surg: Prevost duly certified and have been added to your Quarterly papers

All will be forwarded to Washington by next mail

Very Respectfully 
Your Obdt: Servt:
[[signed]]John C. Casey[[/signed]]
Capt: Com: Subs:

[[double dividing line]]

[[in margin]]
Office of C.S.
Hd˶ Qrs˶
Feb' 20 1848


Gen G. Gibson
[[/in margin]]


I transmit herewith Captain Posts for 4th Qtr: '47 _________ His Oct: and Dec: Returns to replace those heretofore forwarded _______ and his November and January papers.

Very Respectfully
Your Obedt: Servt:
[[signed]]John C. Casey [[signed]]
Capt Com: Subs:

[[double dividing line]]

[[in margin]]
Hd˶ Qr˶ Monterey
Feby. 21 1848

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The Miss: Regt: Vols: and Captain Mears Company an aggregate of say 552 men have been ordered to to occupy "Mazapil" so soon as the necessary transportation

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