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Lt. J.A. Brown
A.AC,S, 4th Aty Buena Vista
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[[signed]] John C.Casey [[/signed]]
Capt Com: Subs:

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Office of C.S.
March 13,1848,
[[/in margin]]

Mem˚ for C. S. at Hd Qts: (or A.C.S.) 

1. [[underlined]] Subs: on hand[[/underlined]], Reports of Stores here and above are not less than twice a months, by the officer, or agent, in charge of the Depot here.

2. [[underlined]] Fresh Beef [[/underlined]] The contracts are with the papers of this office delivered to you.

3. [[underlined]] Flour [[/underlined]] A [[?]]˚ of a special agreement between me and W. I. Belden for delivery in all March or early in April, a small quantity of Flour here is with the papers.  The Miller is to be paid for bolting, and the 2.W. Dept will take from this Depts the Bran and shorts, at a reasonable rate - say one cent a pound.

Captain Donaldson actg' C.S. at Saltillo is buying all the Flour he can, & I have recommended him to ask Commdg' Officer to compel people at Parras [[?]] [[?]] to furnish Flour at their usual rates (say 12 to 14 Dollars sifted or bolted, a cargo)

4. [[underlined]] Funds [[/underlined]] I leave plenty in an excellent chest

5. [[underlined]] Certificates given by Officers on Detachment Service for Subs=ce[[/underlined]]
The apets: must be approved by Comdg' General, and unless the officer has complied with special Ord: No. 3. Hd:Qrs: A.of O. Dec 10. 1847, note on the apet: that Gen Wool recommends that the officer be charged with it, at the Treasury - said order is with the papers herewith.

6. [[underlined]] Estimates [[/underlined]] Keep not less than 5 or 6 weeks supply on hand, ascertain from this Depot from time to time the monthly issue of each article, and so calculate ahead, at present I estimate the daily issues here and above as a little less than  -
  | Salt Meat | 3000 rations
  | Fresh Meat  |3.000 "[[ditto for rations]]
  | Bread Stuffs  | 6.000 "[[ditto for rations]]
  } Dry Vegetables  | 6.000 "[[ditto for rations]]
  | Coffee  } 6.200 "[[ditto for rations]]
  } Sugar  | 6.033 "[[ditto for rations]]
  | Vinegar |  4.666 "[[ditto for rations]]
  | Candles  |  6.333 "[[ditto for rations]]
  | Soap  |  6.000 "[[ditto for rations]]
  | Salt  |  6.666 "[[ditto for rations]]
Of salt meat Pork is usually prefered to Bacon. of Dry Vegetables Rice is prefered to Beans, the extra salt is required

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for Horses and Mules

6. I have [[underlined]] examined the accounts [[/underlined]] of all A.C.S. here and [[?]] returning them for correction if necessary - and requiring monthly papers to be made in 10 days, and Qt: papers in 15 days. the effect has been good, when examined I have forward items to Washington.
[[signed]] John C Casey [[/signed]]
Capt Com: Subs:

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April 5. 1848

[[?]] [[?]]
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I transmit herewith my [[strikethrough]] accounts [[/strikethrough]] quarterly papers for 1 Qr '48 and [[?]]: stat: for March closing my accounts as Chf. C.S. at Hd Qrs A. of O.

Very respectfully
Your obedt servt[[signed]]
[[signed]]John C. Casey [[/signed]]
Capt Com Subs
P.S. May.12. Detained until today awaiting the arrival of dupl. from Monterey -

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[[strikethrough]] April 15 [[/strikethrough]] May 12 1848

Maj Gen Thos. G. Jesup
QMr Gen U.S.A.
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I have the honor to transmit herewith a Return of Quarter Masters Property & camp & garrison Equip [[?]] recd. and issued by me in 1st Qr 1848 closing my accounts with the Department - I respectfully request that my a/c with yr dept (few in [[?]]) may be audited as early as practicable

Very respectfully
Your obedt servt
[[signe]] John C Casey [[/signed]]
[[underlined]]Capt Com: Subs: [[/underlined]]

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May 1/48

Capt J McDowell
A.A.S. H Qr
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I have the honor to report that I am still at this place, and I now have to ask for leave to go to Norleans during this or next month as my physicians may [[?]] advisable with the view of goin to the Ga. Springs or Florida or sick leave

Very respectfully
Your Obedt Servt
[[signed]] John C Casey [[/signed]]
Capt [[?]]]

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