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General,       Matamosas May 6/48
I have the honor to report that I am still at this place, and unable to do duty.

My papers for 1st Qr 1848 have been ready since the first week in April, but will not be forwarded until after I shall have received the [[?]] copies, which I left at Monterey for security 

Your Obedt Sevt
[[signed]] John C. Casey [[/signed]]
Capt CS  USA

[dividing line]] 

General,        Matamosas May 17

I transmit herewith a copy of par 2 Sp: ord: no 138 A of O May 13 1848.

Under this authority I shall probably repair to New Orleans in June

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt: Servt.
Capt C.S.

Gen.G. Gibso
[[dividing line]]

       Ft Brook Fla. May 14. 1849

I have to request that you will shiip for this Post by an early opportunity the following stores vir.
      | 20 bbl Mess Pork
      |  26 -[[ditto for bbls] Flour
      |  21 Bu Beans
      | 769 lbs Sugar
      |  96 Gl Vinegar
      | 107 lbs Candles
      |  86 Lbs Soap
      |   3 Bu Salt
(100) | 100 lbs Ham

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servt
[[signed]] John C. Casey [[signed]]
Capt CS
Maj. G.G. Waggaman
Com: Sub: USA
New Orleans
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
Lt Brooke Florida June 3/49


Please receive receipts for each recd. on the 19 May by Sub Gathmer

One Bbl vinegar was half empty - but a the leakage seemed unamdable I shall report it on wastes and have not shortened my receipts

Very restlly
J. C. Casey
Maj G.g. Waggaman}
      CS Norleans}

[[dividing line]]

[[in margin]]
Ft Brooke Fla
June 11/49

Gen G. Gibson 
Wash. D.C.
[[/in margin]]


I have the honor to forward my papers for May 1849 - The Return Vc & June 7 stat?

Most respectfully
Yr Obedt Servt
[[signed]] John C. Casey [[/signed]]
Capt CS

[[dividing line]]
[[in margin]]
Ft Brooke Fla
June 28/49
[[/in margin]]

Lieutenant, Please forward to this post the following subsistence stores - to be recd. here in August - [[?]]:

   |  21 Bbk M. Pork
   |  51 -[[ditto for Bbl} Flour s.f.
   ] 650 lbs Rice
   | 280 "[[ditto for lbs]] Coffee
   | 300 -[[ditto for lbs]] Sugar
   |  30 Gls vinegar
   | 275 lbs Lp Candles 
   | 370 -[ditto for lbs]] Soap
   |   3 Bu Salt
   |  150 lbs Hams

Very respectfully
Your Obedt Servt
[[signed]] John C. Casey [[/signed]]
Capt. C.S. 

Lieut Enid Hayes}
     Norleans LA}

P.S. Yr letter & invoice of June 4 have been recd
The stores not yet arrived -- J.C.C.

[[end page]]

Transcription Notes:
: are used as . in abbreviations