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Pr Mail Oct 15
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Subs. Office Tampa Bay Fla.
Oct 9th 1849


I transmit herewith my accounts for the 3d. quarter 1849.  They close my money and property responsibility and I have therefore to request that they may be audited as early as practicable.

I continue, of course, in charge of the Dept. in Florida

Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt.

Maj. Gen. Geo Gibson )
              C.G.S. )
     Washington D.C. )

[[dividing line]]
[[in margin]]
per Schtr
J T Sprafur
early Oct 15
[[/in margin]]

Subs: office Hd. Qrs. Tampa Oct. 14. 1849
Requisition for subs: stores required on or before [[underlined]] November 20.1849 [[/underlined]]

 pork |  6.000 Rations
 Bacon | 6.000 "[[ditto for Rations]]
 Bread  | 15.000 "[[ditto for Rations}}
 Beans| 7.000 "[[ditto for Rations]]
 Rice | 10.000 "[[ditto for Rations]]
 Coffee | 15.000 "[[ditto for Rations]]
 Sugar | 15.000 "[[ditto for Rations]]
 Vinegar | 10.000 "[[ditto for Rations]]
 Candles | 30.000 "[[ditto for Rations]]
 Soap | 15.000 "[[ditto for Rations]]
 Salt | 30.000 "[[ditto for Rations]] 
 Ham say 350 pounds

[[signature]]John C. Casey [[signature]]
Capt Chf CS

Lt E Hayes       }
A.C.S.  Norleans }
N.B. Consign, as before, to Lt. DeRussey, Tampa Bay
[[initials JCC [[/initials]]

[[dividing line]]

Sub. office Hd. Qrs Tampa Bay Fla
October 15th 1849.


Please forward a box of Stationary by first conveyance.

Also in [[underlined]] addition [[/underlined]] to the Subs. Property requested in my requisition of the 4" [[Octe'r?]] forward
 6 Salt issuing apparatus complete
 6 Corn Mills, hand, (steel)

Very Respectfully

Lieut. E. Hayes}
A.C.S. New Orleans }
                La }
[[?]] to Lt. De Russy as usual.
[[end page]]

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Pr Mail
15 Oct '49
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Subs. Office[[insert]]Hd. Qrs[[/insert]]Tampa Bay Fla.
October 15". 1849.


Your report of the 4th is recd. also a later date from Col. Flynton.  I hope you have by this time received the [[underlined]] [4?]3.000 Rations [[/underlined]] reqd. by Lt. Jas. Tosson A.C.S.

Place 20.000 rations in depot at Indian River (Ft. Pierce or where the 6 Comps are to be) as that will be one end of the line of posts to be established across the state to Manatee River. As many wrecks have occurred heretofor at Indian River Inlet, the shipments for that depot must always be made in time to provide for such losses.  I shall by this mail recommend the C.G.S. to establish a depot at Savannah Geo. as a better point than St.  Augustine from which to forward, in small vessels, subsistance down the coast.

You will be continued in charge of the Dept on the Eastern side of the State & shall be happy to receive any suggestions from you at all times. Correspond freely with the C.G.S. at Washington.

As the Troops on the Federal Road will probably soon be withdrawn, & as those at Weeshlokoochee are subsisted to Oct. 31. it is not worth while [[underlined]] now [[/underlined]] to make that point a dependency on the depot here.  On my return from Charlotte Harbor I shall give you further information of the probable movements & wants of the Army.

Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servt.

Maj. C. Van Dorn}
A. C. S.}
Palatka Depot}

p.s. I have recommended the C. G. S.  to sanction your employment of a clerk.


Subs: Office Hd. Qrs. Tampa Bay Florida,


There are in Florida and coming (4 camps. of 4" Arty. not yet arrived) but 30 Companies, as follows.

at [[New Suyma?]]  2
Fort Rupale        1
Warm Springs       1
Fort Gatlin        2
Indian River (Ft. Pierce)  6
Miami River  [[underline]]2[[/underline]]
                   14 Companies which are and will be dependent on Palatka & Savannah (?) depots.

At Fort Brook   | 2
Manatee River    |4
Alafia River    | 1
Under Maj. Rains |2 none near here
Maj. Moloney     |2  none at Hocteheepokoossa
Maj. Barnbridge [Jr.?} | 2 — Fort Dade
Maj. Andrews    ||1 — Waetehlacoochee crossing.  16 Companies which