Viewing page 39 of 79

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Sub: office Tampa Bay Florida
November 2 1849
I have made arrangements with Capt. Wm. B. Hooker for supplying [[underlined]] fresh Beef [/underlined]] to all the troops on the line from Ft. Hamer (on Manatee R) to Ft. Chokko-Nikla (on Pea R)
He is to receive six cents a pound
Very respectfully
Your obed srvt
[[signature]]John C. Casey [[/signature]]
Capt. Chf.

Lt. Magilton A.L.}
  Ft. Chokko Nikla}
Lt Henry          }
  Ft. Hamer       }
Lt. F. Collier    }
  Ft. Crawford    }
[[initials]] JCa [/initials]]
Sub: office Tampa Bay Fla
Nov 2.1849
Capt. Wm B. Hooker will furnish fresh Beef at all posts - Ft. Hamer to Ft. Choko Nilka, and at six cents a pound.
I have to ask your occasional aid and protection to him, should it appears to you necessary.
Very respectfully
Your obed servt.
[[signature]]John C. Casey [[/signatiure]]
Capt Chf CS
Maj. W.W. Morris
4 arty
Ft Chokko-Nikla
Subs: office Tampa Bay Fla. Nov. 5. 1849
Please to report monthly the name of all citizens employed by you and other A.C.S. on you side of the state, and their pay, services & etc
A postscript to a letter from the C.G.S. office dated Oct. 23. says "no requisition for stores yet from Maj. Van Dorn" and I mention it lest some estimate of yours may have failed, and to tell you to send dupl: by succeeding mails of all important requisitions.
Keep from two and a half to three months supply on hand at each depot all the time.
Very respectfully
Your obed servt
[[signature]]John C. Casey [[/signature]] Chf  C.S.
Maj: E Van Dorn A.U.} 
     Palatka depot  }
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
Sub office Tampa Bay Fla
November 5. 1849
In addition to my requisition for stores to be delivered here on or before Nov. 12 20. and 30th (dated Oct 4. 14 and 22) I have now to request the following, to be received here on or before Dec. 10.
12.000 | Rations | Pork sides
20.000 |-[[Ditto for rations]] | Bacon side
10.000 |-[[Ditto for rations]] | Flour
35.000 |-[[Ditto for rations]] | Hd Bread
20.000 |-[[Ditto for rations]] | Beans
25.000 |-[[Ditto for rations]] | Rice
37.000 |-[[Ditto for rations]] | Sugar
37.000 |-[[Ditto for rations]] | Coffee
80.000 |-[[Ditto for rations]] | Candles
35.000 |-[[Ditto for rations]] | Soap
100.000 |-[[Ditto for rations]] | Salt
If you have forwarded no anti scorbutic (now in transit) please send by first A boat say
[[first  items bracked together]]
60 Bbl Potatoe 
60 -[[Ditto for Bbl]] onion  or dried fruit
50 keys of onion
50 half barrel pickles or Krout
4 small barrels (30 gall) molasses
Yours respectfully
[[signature]]John C. Casey [[/signature]]
Chf CS

Maj. G.G. Waggaman
CS. Orleans


[[margin]] orig. by Sch old Zach
nov 8. 1849

Dup. by St. Monmouth
on 10th Nov-

Sub: office Tampa Bay Nov 7/49

Major - In addition to all previous Estimates for [[underlined]] this month [/underlined]]forward with first shipment say -
[[underlined]]^[[note to side of Bacon]]{If not too late please substitute pork for bacon[/underlined]] Nov. 9.49
   20.000 Rations Bacon 
                 Hd Bread [[brackets around items bacon 
                 Coffee     thru Vinegar indicating 
                 Sugar      same amts to order]]
  40.000 -[[Ditto for rations]] Candles 
  80.000 -[[Ditto for rations]]  Salt 

Very respectfully
Yr ob sent
[[signature]]John C. Casey [[/signature]]
Capt Chf CS

Maj. G.G. Waggaman}
         Norleans }  
[[end page]]          
