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[[margin]] By D Todd of H. [[/margin]]

Sub off Tampa Bay Jany 13. 1850
Mr. Stephen Hollingsworth
Heetcheepoksasa Fla

Sir, I have to inform you that for the present, Mr. Lanier is engaged to furnish fresh Beef to the troops between the Kissimmee and Indian river, and at 6½ cents a pound, being a lower rate than any other responsible offer.

Very reslly -
J.C. Casey Chf C.S.

Sub Office Tampa Bay Florida
January 14th. 1850


My requisition of Decr. 12th. for say 40.000 rations, to be here by Jany. 15th. has not yet been recd but I learn that a schooner is below with some subs. stores on board.

I have now to request that you will forward by [[underlined]] an early opportunity [[/underlined]], say 
30.000 Rations Flour
20.000  " [[ditto for Rations]]  Beans
90 Bbls. Dried Fruit and 40 Bbls Molasses.
and [[underlined]] by next steam boat - [[/underlined]], Say
60 Bbls potatoes              } if very sound
50 " [[ditto for Bbls]] Onions}
and the following full rations to be here [[underlined]] by February 15th. [[/underlined]] 1850. - vis
30.000 Rations of Flour. 
30.000 " [[ditto for Rations]]| Bread
38.000 " [[ditto for Rations]]| Pork
40.000 " [[ditto for Rations]]| Beans
45.000 Coffee
45.000 Vinegar
75.000 Candles
45.000 Soap
80.000 Salt
and 300 lbs Hams
The sugar I shall buy here  - an excellent article being offered at 6 cents. -

[[margin]] Rew [[/margin]]

Very respectfully
Your Obt Servt.

Maj. G.G. Waggaman}
C.S. N Orleans La }

PS. My Requ. of Decr. 12th has arrived in the Bay - [[underlined]] excepting 20.000 Rats. Bread [[/underlined]]. which are due on it.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Sub: off. Tampa Bay
Jany 15. 1850


I have to request that you will forward by first opportunity

5000 Good brick

required for building oven in Fla.

Very resplly yr ob sevt
J. C. Casey
Capn. C.S.
Sub: off: Tampa Bay Fla
January 28. 1850

Major, I forward herewith -----------
A copy of my Reqst of Jany 14. 1850
Another Requ,— of this date

very resplly yos
J. C. Casey Chf C.S.

[[underined]]Maj. G G. Waggaman. Cd. Orleans[[/underlined]]

WB. The 20.000 rats Hd Bread due on my request. of Dec. 12 have not yet been recd.

C.S. Casey
Sub. Off. Tampa Bay Fla Jan 28/50


Please forward as early as practicable the following stores (in addition to previous requisitions for Febry) — say
20.000 Rations Pork
15.000 — [[ditto for: Bread]]
15.000[[ditto for: Flour]]
30.000 [[ditto for: Beans]]
30.000 Coffee
30.000 Soap
60.000 Candles
30.000 Salt & 50 kegs pickled onions
300 bus good Hams

Very respectfully 
Your obed serv
John C. Casey
     Capt [[?]]

Maj. Waggaman
C.S. Orleans La
