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[[margin]] By D Todd of H. [[/margin]] Sub off Tampa Bay Jany 13. 1850 Mr. Stephen Hollingsworth Heetcheepoksasa Fla Sir, I have to inform you that for the present, Mr. Lanier is engaged to furnish fresh Beef to the troops between the Kissimmee and Indian river, and at 6½ cents a pound, being a lower rate than any other responsible offer. Very reslly - J.C. Casey Chf C.S. [[line]] Sub Office Tampa Bay Florida January 14th. 1850 Major, My requisition of Decr. 12th. for say 40.000 rations, to be here by Jany. 15th. has not yet been recd but I learn that a schooner is below with some subs. stores on board. I have now to request that you will forward by [[underlined]] an early opportunity [[/underlined]], say 30.000 Rations Flour 20.000 " [[ditto for Rations]] Beans 90 Bbls. Dried Fruit and 40 Bbls Molasses. and [[underlined]] by next steam boat - [[/underlined]], Say 60 Bbls potatoes } if very sound 50 " [[ditto for Bbls]] Onions} and the following full rations to be here [[underlined]] by February 15th. [[/underlined]] 1850. - vis 30.000 Rations of Flour. 30.000 " [[ditto for Rations]]| Bread 38.000 " [[ditto for Rations]]| Pork 40.000 " [[ditto for Rations]]| Beans 45.000 Coffee 45.000 Vinegar 75.000 Candles 45.000 Soap 80.000 Salt and 300 lbs Hams The sugar I shall buy here - an excellent article being offered at 6 cents. - [[margin]] Rew [[/margin]] Very respectfully Your Obt Servt. Maj. G.G. Waggaman} C.S. N Orleans La } PS. My Requ. of Decr. 12th has arrived in the Bay - [[underlined]] excepting 20.000 Rats. Bread [[/underlined]]. which are due on it. [[end page]] [[start page]] Sub: off. Tampa Bay Jany 15. 1850 Major, I have to request that you will forward by first opportunity 5000 Good brick required for building oven in Fla. Very resplly yr ob sevt J. C. Casey Capn. C.S. [[line]] Sub: off: Tampa Bay Fla January 28. 1850 Major, I forward herewith ----------- A copy of my Reqst of Jany 14. 1850 and Another Requ,— of this date very resplly yos J. C. Casey Chf C.S. [[underined]]Maj. G G. Waggaman. Cd. Orleans[[/underlined]] WB. The 20.000 rats Hd Bread due on my request. of Dec. 12 have not yet been recd. C.S. Casey [[line]] Sub. Off. Tampa Bay Fla Jan 28/50 Major, Please forward as early as practicable the following stores (in addition to previous requisitions for Febry) — say 20.000 Rations Pork 15.000 — [[ditto for: Bread]] 15.000[[ditto for: Flour]] 30.000 [[ditto for: Beans]] 30.000vinegar 30.000 Coffee 30.000 Soap 60.000 Candles 30.000 Salt & 50 kegs pickled onions 300 bus good Hams Very respectfully Your obed serv John C. Casey Capt [[?]] Maj. Waggaman C.S. Orleans La [[line]]