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spoil before use, as they will sell better now than when older.
I notified you heretofore that the price of Beef E. of Kissimmee was raised to 7½ cts. as recommended by you.

Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servt
[[signature]] John C. Casey [[/signature]]
Capt Chief C.S.

Lt. James Zolton}
Depot Ind. River}

Subs Office Tampa Bay, Fla.
April 18 1850

-[[dividing line]]-


Your requisition for Brick, (500 fire proof) and lime (2 barrels) is received.

As Soon as fire proof bricks can be procured they will be sent to your post.

Very Respectful
Your Obt. Servt.
[[signature]]John C. Casey [[/signature]]
Capt. Chief CS.

Lt. R.W. Howard}
  Ft Chokonikla} 
Mr. Hooker, (who supplied your command at Fort Myakka)will continue to supply you with fresh Beef at Whiddens Creek.
Lanier's and Hooker's contract commenced at Mt. Meade and extends West to Indian River.
Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servt.
John C. Casey
Capt. Chief C.S.
Lt R.R. Garland
Whiddens Creek
Subs. Office. Tampa Bay.
April 19. 1850.
Dear Sir,
In reply to your letter of the 4th. instant -
you will be allowed 7½ cts for Beef at Fort Kissemmee -
Capt. Hooker will supply the troops at Whiddens Creek
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as they were in his line at Myakka.
The Indian emigrate, but will, I believe, faithfully keep the peace. until disturbed by us.
Should Congress authorize a war to remove the Indians, due notice will be given to all.
Very Respectfully
Your Obd. Servt.
John C. Casey
Capt. Chief C.S.
Mr. Lewis Lanier
Fort Meade, Fla
Subs. Office Tampa Bay.Fla.
April 19th. 1850
You will allow Mr. Lewis Lanier the Beef Contractor 7½ cts a lb. for beef delivered at Fort Kissimmee. 
In reply to yours of April 6. a pair of Steel yards will be sent to you as early as they can be procured.
Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servt.
John C. Casey
Capt. and Chief C.S.
Lt. L.H. Carlisle {
a.a.c.s           {
Fort Kissimmee    {
Fla               {
[[line]]Subs Office Hd. Qrs.
Tampa Bay Florida
May 1. 1850
The bricks heretofore received from N. Orleans will not stand in the roof of an oven. I have therefore to request that you will forward by first conveyance - Say [[underlined]] 1600 fire brick [/underlined]]
or if the best "Salmon Brick" will answer, as they are cheaper, forward from 1600 to 2000 of that kind.
Send a proportionate quantity of LIme - Say about 20 @ 25 Brle.
Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servt.
John C. Casey
Capt. and Chief C.S.
Maj. G.G. Waggaman {
Com. Subs          {
N. Orleans         {
La.                {
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