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Sub officer
Tampa Fla Febry 9. 1852

I am directed by the Com Gen Sub to issue the "corned Beef" at the same rate as ordinary "Mess Beef" viz 1¼ lb p.2., and also notified that the article will not again be allowed for issue.
very respectfully
Your obed sent
[[signature]] JC Casey [/signature]] CS [[?]]
Ft. Myers

Tampa Feb 25/52 - Note to Beckwith - by Mercer - to take fresh beef at new depot [[underlined]] at present [/underlined]] at same price as Ft. Myers - 10 cents.
Sub: Office
Tampa Febny 26. 1852

Sir, In addition to my reqn dated Febry 5. for sub stores required by the troops on this side of Fla, and to be at the new depot or Ft. Myers about the end of March 1952, I have now to requrest that you will [[underlined]] increase [/underlined]] said shipments by the following store.

20 Bbl Pork
50  -[[ditto for Bbl]] Flour
14 Bu. Beans
600 lb Coffee
1200 -[[ditto for lb]] Sugar
80 Gl vinegar
140 lb Candle
300 -[[ditto for lb]] Soap
12 Bu Salt
3 Bbl Whisky

Very respectfully
Yr obed st
[[signature]] J.C. Casey [/signature]]

Maj Waggaman C.S.
or Arty CS. N.orleans

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(Ft. Brooke)
Tampa Bay Florida
February 29. 1852


In obedience to your letter of the 10th and the accompanying instructions from the War Dept. of the 7th Febry 1852 requiring a description and plat of so "much of the reserve (at this post) as would be retained" 

I have the honor to report that the spring and the intervening strip of land are neccessary for this garrison or post (and should be reserved so long as the govt retains this place or post.)

I respectfully recommend the following boundaries as being sufficient to secure the spring and also as a convenient line. The chief line coincides with the public road and the strip [[strikeout]] of land to the spring [/strikeout]] [[insert]]reserved [[/insert]] contains neither usable land nor timber of value.

^[[Next paragraph is bracketed]]
From the Post at E. end of Washington Street Tampa (see plat herewith] along a line (the road) N 31°15'E.(var. 4°30'E) to a parallel 8 chains N. of the Spring: Thence along a line due E. to a meridian 10 chains E. of the sp ring: and Thence along a line S.E. to the creek or Bay

[[strikethrough]] I have not recommended any [[/strikethrough]][[insert]] is not required [[/insert]]  reserve for fuel, as [[strikethrough]] it is unnecessarily [/strikethrough]] firewood can always be procured by contract or purchase, and the price of fuel will not be affected by bringing the reserved lands into market.

Most respectfully
Your obedt sert
[[signature]] John C. Casey [/signature]]
Capt. [[?]]

Maj. Genl}
R. Jones }
A.A.G. {[[?]]}

The minimum reserve now proposed is roughly marked in black lead pencil on the accompanying plat, and, if approved of, can, at any time be marked out on the forms by any surveyor

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