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Subs Officer
Tampa Bay Fla
March 12. 1852


The Com: Gen: Subs: directs me to inform you that - under par:1. of Gen: Ord: No. 6 Feb. 17. 1852 - you are authorized to make " [[underlined]] extra [[/underlined]] " issues of antiscorbutics, "[[underlined]] in lieu [[/underlined]] of other parts of the ration", in such quantities as will amount to, [[underlined]] in actual cost [[/underlined]] , the full cost of those "other parts of the rations" for which said are substituted.

Very respectfully
[[signed]] J.C. Casey [[/signed]]Chf. C.S.
in Fla

A.C.S. at}
Ft Meade }
Ft Myers }

[[?]] Tampa Bay
Mar 18. 1852


Please forward on or before Apr 30. the following sub stores ord.
   | 20 Bbl Pork
   | 60     Flour
   | 20 Bu Beans
   | 400 lb Rice
   | 800    Coffee
   | 1500   Sugar
   | 100 Ga Vinegar
   | 200 lb Candles
   | 500    Soap
   | 10 Bu Salt
and, if approved of by the Comd Offical M Dier the following [[underlined]] anti scorbutes [[/underlined]] for sale to company could for their companies under par 1. [[?]] [[?]] Febry/52
   | 15 Bbl dried fruit
   | 15 Keg p. onions

Very rebl

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Subs Office
Tampa Bay Fla. March 21.1852


Herewith please receive a dup copy of my requisition of March 18. - original forwarded  by [[underlined]] The Fashion [[/underined]]

I now desire, if not too late to reduce my estimate for anti-scorbutics, and have to request that you will forward but
    | 5 Bbl dried fruit
    | 5 Kegs pickled onions or other pickles. 
if any are sanctioned by the Genl. Com Of. W. Davis.

Very respectfully
I Am obedt Servt
[[underlined]] [[signed]]John C Casey [[/signed]]Chf C.S.]]/underlined]]
Maj G.G. Waggaman}
    C.G. Norleans}

Sub Offcir
Tampa Bay Fla April 19/52


Please forward by an early opportunity to this depot

  |2.000 lbs. Pilot Bread
  |and on or before May 3 [[?]] as follows -

  |  25 Bbl Pork
  |  70 -[[ditto for Bbl]] Flour
  |  26 Bu Beans
  | 200 lb Rice
  | 800 -[[ditto for lb]] Coffee
  |1600 -[[ditto for lb]] Sugar
  | 150 gl Vinegar
  | 220 lb Candle
  | 480 -[[ditto for lb]] Soap
  |  10 bu Salt

Very resplly
[[signed]] J.C.Casey [[/signed]]Capt CS

Maj Waggaman CS

[[end page]]


Transcription Notes:
He didn't use standard(") ditto marks but a hyphen to mean the same.