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10. Give a list of papers [[underlined]] published during the year [[/underlined]] by yourself, your official associates and collaborators, so far as the same are based upon Museum material. Each notice for the bibliography should be accompanied with a brief abstract of the paper.

The following papers have been published by me during the year.

1. A description of a ^[[new]] subspecies of Prairie Hen, [[underlined]] Tympanuchus americanus attwateri, [[/underlined]] Attwater's, or Southern Prairie Hen, in Auk. Vol. 9 No. 2, April, 1894, pp 130-132.

II. ^[[Pub. July 19-94. ext? Rep.]] Description of nests and eggs of some new birds collected on the Island of Aldabra, northwest of Madagascar, by Dr. W.L. Abbott, Proceedings U.S. National Museum, Vol. XVII. No. 983, pp 39-41.