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13. (1) Give the number of specimens received during the year, and also, separately, the total number of specimens in the collection, after making deduction through waste material, exchanges and other distributions.

(2) Give the number of the last entries in your catalogue on June 30, 1895, and June 30, 1896.

Answer 13. Number of specimens received during the year -

Eggs 1729
Nests 154
^[[line / 1882]]

Total number of specimens in the collection


Last catalogue entry June 30 1895. -- 27655.

Last catalogue entry June 30 1896. -- 28138.

^[[ I am Sir
very respectfully your obedient servant
Chas Bendire
Hon. Curator Dept. of Oology

Washington D.C.
July 9th 1896.]]