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[[preprinted]] When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter.  [[/preprinted]]

6/12-68 | 61 * Commission, Pa. Branch F.U.  Col. R.R. Corson - Cor. Secy. | Philadelphia, Pa.  June 11th 1868.  Encloses Check for $159.50, for payment of the salaries of the following teachers, viz:   [[underlined]] J.M. Gregory, [[/underlined]] two months $50.00  [[underlined]] P.T. Lock, [[/underlined]] " " [[dittos for two months]] 40.00  [[underlined]] A. Lawton, [/underlined]] one and 1/2 " [[ditto for month]] 37.50  Miss [[underlined]] C.W. Groves, [[/underlined]] two months $40.00  " [[ditto for Miss]] [[/underlined]] A.P. Bell, " " [[dittos for two months]] 40.00.  Amount $207.50  Deducts for transportation &c. 48.00 = $159.50.


6/18-68 | 62 * Colburn, S.E. | Parkersburg, W. Va.  June 17th 1868.  Inquires in behalf of Miss Judah Wakefield, if transportation can be procured for her brother, Lee Wakefield, who has been connected with the Commissary Dept. in Charleston, S.C.  Wakefield states that the officer in charge has gone and left him without money:  that he can find no work, and that he wishes to go to Parkersburg, W. Va.


6/18-68 | 63 * Cummings, Miss Kate. | St. Mary's Co. Md.  June 12th 1868.  States that she wishes to take a little girl home with her, who is about ten years old and who is dependent upon an old and feeble grandmother.  Inquires if transportation can be procured for her.


6/25-68 | 64 * Coakley, Miss M.A.C. | Woodville, Prince George Co. Md.  June 23d 1868.  Inquires if she shall close her school on the last of the present month.  States that many of the parents of her pupils wish to withdraw them from school for the month of July.


6/29-68 | 65 * Commission, Pa. Branch F.U.  Col. R.R. Corson - Cor. Secy. | Philadelphia, Pa.  June 27th 1868.  Acknowledges letter of the 12th inst. enclosing $12.00.  States that it was understood by them when they took the schools in Maryland, they were to cost them $20.00 each per month, and that the Bureau was to furnish transportation of teachers both ways:  that it has cost them nearly one thousand dollars extra to bring their teachers home from the South:  that the trustees of the Washington schools have refused to pay their teachers return transportation, and as the Society sent them out with the

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[[preprinted]] When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter.  [[/preprinted]]

 | | understanding that the Bureau would furnish it, it is their duty to see that the teachers do not have it to pay.  States that they have decided not to put up their house on I St. at public sale, until fall.


7/8-68 | 66 * Cadwallader, Miss S. | Bladensburg, Md.  July 6th 1868.  Applies for transportation of a colored girl, ten years old, whom she calls "Em", and whom she wishes to take with her to Lawrence, Kansas.


7/8-68 | 67 * Chapman, Charlotte  E.B.40 Vol.1-68. Forwarded. | Woodville, Prince George Co. Md..  June 30th 1868.  Wishes to know when she can get her money, and if she shall come after it or not.


7/10-68 | 68 * Commission N.Y. Branch F.U.  J.S. Lowell - Secy. | New York City.  July 9th 1868.  States in answer to letter addressed to Mr. [[underlined]] Kennedy, [[/underlined]] that they will scarcely be able to send out twenty teachers next year, and they have promised every one of those to special localities and therefore can do nothing for Maryland:  that the teachers sent there last year seem to have been well chosen and to have done a good work, but some of them felt discouraged at finding their positions more difficult than they expected.


7/10-68 | 69 * Commission, Pa. Branch F.U.  Col. R.R. Corson - Cor. Secy. | Philadelphia, Pa.  July 9th 1868.  States in answer to letter of the 8th inst. that very few of their people will be at home before the first of September, or later:  that he cannot say yet what they can do for schools in Maryland next term, but hopes they will be able to help some.


7/18-68 | 70 * Columbia Dist. of  Bvt. Maj. S.A. Clark - A.A.A.G. | Berkley Springs W. Va.  July 18th 1868.  Telegram.  States that stage leaves Patterson's Creek Tuesday.  Requests Supt. of Education to come on early train Monday.


7/18-68 | 71 * Columbia Dist. of  Bvt. Maj. S.A. Clark - A.A.A. Genl. | Berkley Springs, W. Va.  July 18th 1868.  Telegram.  States that it is unnecessary for the Supt. of Education to stop at Hancock.


Transcription Notes:
Only use pipes [[|]] to separate the 3 columns.