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1.6.70 | 1 Allen. Pauline  Teacher | Hughesville, Charles Co. Md. Jany 1870  Requests to be furnished with books.

1.7.70 | 2 * Association, Delaware  Saml. Woolman. Agent. | Wilmington. Del. Jany 6th 1870.
Forwards rental account for quarter ending December 31st.

States that the attendance has not been large owing to the fact that many of the children have been kept at work. Expect to have 24 schools in operation this month. States that they depend mainly on the aid of the Bureau: that they have rated the Normal school at $40 per month: that several of their schools will close on March 15th   Thinks the amount they will ask for will not exceed $1800.

1.12.70. | 3 * Association; Baltimore John Core. Act. Acty. | Baltimore, Md. Jany 7th 1870.
States in reply that he has not supplied the Annapolis school with a teacher:  that the association cannot furnish any teachers in addition to the sixty-five they have now in the field.

1.12.69 | 4 * Association. Delaware Saml. Woolman Agent | Wilmington, Del., Jany. 10th 1870.
States in reply that he has requested the recorder of deeds to furnish a copy of the deed of the Middletown school lot. Encloses rental account for quarter ending Dec. 31st.

1.14.'70  "5 * | Association Baltimore, John Core. Actg. Actuary. | Baltimore, Md. January 13, 1870.
Forwards bill for repairs of Howard Nor. School Building amounting to $1000. Requests payment of rental account.
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