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[[preprinted]] WHEN RECEIVED. | NAME OF WRITER. | DATE AND PURPORT OF LETTER. [[/preprinted]] 

3,2,'70 #7 * | Jackson E.G. | Cokesburg, Port Deposit P.O., Cecil Co. Md.  February 28th 1870  States that they have started a self supporting school at this place, with 35 pupils.  Inquires if books can be furnished them gratuitously.

4.2.70 | 8 * Johnson, George  E.B.#262 Vol.1.1870 | Frostburg, Alleghany Co. Md.  Mar. 30th 1870  States that they have employed a carpenter, and a mason to complete their school-house &c. &c.  Encloses a bill for the lumber used in construction of the house to the amount of $170.97/100, $130.97/100 of which is still due.

4,4,'70 #9 * | Jackson Mrs. E.G.  Teacher. | Cokesburg, Cecil County, Md.  March 21st 1870  Forwards her school report.  Acknowledges receipt of books sent to Port Deposit.

4,26,'70 #10 * | Johnson Geo. W. | Darnestown, Montgomery Co. Md.  April 25th 1870.  Requests in behalf of the col'd people that a teacher be sent them.

5,4,'70 #11 * | Jackson E.G.  Teacher | Cokesburg, Cecil Co. Md.  April 30th 1870.  Forwards school report for April.  States that the pupils are gradually increasing in numbers, &c.

5,4,'70 #12 * | Jenkins J.S.  Teacher. | Milestown, St. Mary's Co. Md.  May 2d 1870.  Requests to be reinstated as teacher of this school, next fall.  States that a friend of his expects to continue the school during the summer months.

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[[preprinted]] WHEN RECEIVED. | NAME OF WRITER. | DATE AND PURPORT OF LETTER. [[/preprinted]] 

6,5,'70 #13 * | Johnson Geo. W. | Darnestown, Montgomery Co. Md.  May 4th 1870.  Makes application for a teacher School at this place closed Nov. 30th 69.

5,9,'70 #14 * | Jones J.H.  Teacher. | Farlee, Kent Co. Md.  May 1870.  Applies for teachers blanks.

6.1.70. 15 | James, Wm. V.  Teacher | Sandy Springs, Montgomery Co. Md.  May 1870.  Requests to have check in payment of his salary for May sent him at 135 New York Avenue, Newark, N.J.

6.23.70. 16 * | Jones, John H.  Teacher | Georgetown, Kent Co. Md.  June 27th 1870.  Returnes blank rental vouchers, signed.

7.2.70. 17. * | Johnson, Richard & other School Trustees | Tracy's Landing, Anne Arundel Co. Md.  June 30th 1870.  States that Miss [[underlined]] Lucinda Smith, [[/underlined]] their late teacher, has given entire satisfaction, and they hope she will be returned to them in the fall.

7.5.70. 18 * | Jackson, E.G.  Teacher | Cokesburg, Cecil Co. Md.  July 1st 1870.  Closed school on the 30th ult.  Forwards school report.

8.10.70. 19. * | Jenkins, James L. | Cape May, N.Y.  Aug. 5th 1870.  Wishes to return to his old at Milestown next term.  Inquires if he can expect any aid from the Bureau &c.