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[[preprinted]] WHEN RECEIVED. | NAME OF WRITER. | DATE AND PURPORT OF LETTER. [[/preprinted]] 

1,27,'70 #7 * | Miller T. E.  Teacher. | Dorchester, Chas. Co. Md.  January 22, 1870  States his arrival, and the opening of school with 55 pupils.  Desires the enclosed list of books forwarded.  Wishes to know how many pupils he needs to be allowed an assistant. 

1,27,'70 #8 * | Missions Presby. Home  W.F. Mitchell, Genl. Agt. | 30 Vesey St. New York.  January 25, 1870  States that the Supt's of the 24th contained no enclosure.  Fifty-five dollars were due Mr. Swann the 1st of the year, and he will not be paid until further correspondence.  Gainey at Berlin will continue his school awhile longer.

2,1,'70 #9 * | W.F. Mitchell  Mission Presby. Home | New York, N.Y.  January 21st '70  States that the Union cannot recommission any teachers at present.  That something may be done as to the claims of Maryland when affairs are settled.

2,15,'70 #10 * | Missions Presby. Home  W.F. Mitchell. | New York, N.Y.  February 12th 1870  States that some thirty students from Lincoln University, were employed in Maryland schools last summer under the supervision of this Association, and that there will be a greater number this year;  therefore wishes to know whether the Supt. can provide situations for them, in which the people will pay the boarding expenses.  Wishes to know if the Bureau will pay the rental arrearages up to Oct.  States also that the Commission must curtail its expenses, and work on account of having taken too much.

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[[preprinted]] WHEN RECEIVED. | NAME OF WRITER. | DATE AND PURPORT OF LETTER. [[/preprinted]] 

3,9,'70 #11 * | McComas Geo. W. | 9 So. Liberty St. Baltimore, Md.  March 7th 1870.  Forwards deed of school lot at Forest Hill, Harford Co. Md., with request for aid to the amount of $300.00, for the purpose of constructing a school house.  Thinks a building 32 x 20 x 12 will cost from $450 to $500.

2,23,'70 #12 * | Morris Susan | Oak Hill Md.  February 14th 1870  Desires check to be given Mr. Adams to be by him conveyed to her.

3,3,'70 #13 * | Missions Presby. Home,  W.F. Mitchell  Secy. | New York City, N.Y.  March 1st 1870.  Inquires how much the desks mentioned will cost.

3,7,'70 #14 * | Missions Presby. Home  W.C. Mitchell  Secy. | New York N.Y.  March 4th 1870  States in reply that they will retain Mr. Still:  that the $3.00/100 mentioned will be deducted from his salary:  that they owe Swan $95.00/100, and are ready to pay it:  that the firm he is owing should send the account to them, &c.

3,19,'70 #15 * | Missions Presby. Home  W.C. Mitchell | New York City.  March 18th 1870  Forwards check for $15.00 in payment of [[underlined]] Swan's [[/underlined]] salary.  Requests to his bill for books $55.00 deducted, and the balance sent him.