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[[preprinted]] WHEN RECEIVED. | NAME OF WRITER. | DATE AND PURPORT OF LETTER. [[/preprinted]] 

2,2,'70 #5 * | Pembrook John.  E.B. Vol 1 255 | Centerville, Md.  January 31st, 1876.  States that he has got the frame on the ground for the school house at that place. He has bargained for the lumber on conditions that [[underlined]] Genl. Howard [[/underlined]] appropriate $200.00 promised by him, as early as May 2d '70. 

2,14,'70 #6 * | Perkins William | Chestertown, Md.  February 10th 1870.  States that he has just returned from Centerville, where he had a "big time":  that the people will be expecting the Supt., on Tuesday.  Desires Supt. to get to Chestertown on Wednesday.

3,8,'70 #7 * | Perkins Wm.  E.B. Vol 1 #258, 1870 | Chestertown, Kent Co. Md.  March 7th, 1870  Forwards deed of school lot at Broad Neck, Kent Co. Md.

2,19,'70 #8 * | Potts Charles per W.H. Esq. | Crompton, Queen Anne Co. Md.  Feby. 16th 1870.  States that in consequence of the departure of their teacher, [[underlined]] Mr. Hamilton, [[/underlined]] occasioned by a threatened assault by an armed mob, they are without one:  that [[underlined]] Mr. Hamilton [[/underlined]] writes him, that, the proper course to be pursued to write the Supt. that he may send a teacher from the Bureau:  that there are between 76 and 80 pupils attached to the school who are being indifferently instructed by two of their no.:  that the offenders against the peace are known, and the County Attorney is ready to proceed to prosecute the offenders whenever [[underlined]] Mr. Hamilton [[/underlined]] appears.  Wishes an answer at your earliest convenience.

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[[preprinted]] WHEN RECEIVED. | NAME OF WRITER. | DATE AND PURPORT OF LETTER. [[/preprinted]] 

2,28,'70 #9 * | Price Thos. H.  Teacher. | Oakville, St. Mary's Co. Md.  February 25th 1870.  States that his school house was burned on the morning of the 24th inst., and is thought to be the work of an incendiary.

3,9,'70 #10 * | Perkins Wm. | Charlestown, Kent Co. Md.  March 5th 1870.  States that Mr. Chew has arrived to take charge of the school at Church Hill, and a teacher is wanted at Beaver Dam.

3,10,'70 #11 * | Price Thos. H.  Teacher. | Oakville, St. Mary's Co. Md.  March 7th 1870.  States in reply, that there is a building in which the school may be held, and he is about to return home until a new house is completed:  that his address is 68 Broad St., Philadelphia.

3,14,'70 #12 * | Payne Geo. T.  Teacher. | Fairfield, St. Mary's Co. Md.  March 3d 1870.  States that he has received no bank papers.  Inquires upon what terms land can be bought near the Eastern Branch.

3,21,'70 #13 * | Perkins Wm. | Chestertown, Kent Co. Md.  March 18th 1870.  States that the church at Eddsvill, in which a colored school was taught by Mr. Ball, was accidentally destroyed by fire, on the 17th inst.  Inquire if the teacher can remain, and keep school in private house.