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2, 10, '70 #6 * | Schadd Chas. S. Teacher. | Philadelphia, Penn February 7th, 1870 Wishes the amount due him as teacher together with transportation charges forwarded him immediately. Transportation $ 5. 65/00 each way. 

2, 11, '70 #7 * | Sorrell Maggie I. Teacher. | Baltimore, Md. February 10th, 1870. Applies for an appointment as teacher. Has been teaching at Middletown under the auspices of the Baltimore Asso. but was oblige to close for lack of sufficient pupils. 

2, 16, '70 #8 * | Smith W. J. | Clear Spring, Washington Co., Md. February 10th 1870 States the receipt of a letter stating that an order had been sent to Baltimore and that a bill was sent him about that time, but that he had not received the books mentioned. Wishes to know if his salary for January has been paid on book bill or not. Writes in relation to the maps, &c.

2, 24, '70 #9 * | Somers Isiah W. Teacher | Dames Quarter, Somerset Co. Md. February '70 Requests to be furnished with books, a list of which in enclosed

2, 23, '70 #10 * | Somers Isiah W. Teacher | Dame's Quarter, Somerset Co. Md. February 16th 1870 States that he opened school on the 4th inst.m and has but 6 pupils: that only few of the people manifest any interest in the school, and that he is unwilling to remain, but would like to be sent to another place. 

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2, 7, '70 # 11 * | Sykes Lafayette | Washington, D. C. February 4th 1870 States the wants of a sabbath school, situated on the corner of Va A. and 6th St, named Island Hall, and desires it to be visited by Supt. 

2, 28, '70 # 12 * | Somers Isiah W. | Dame's Quarter, Somerset Co. Md. February 25th 1870 States that he arrived and opened school on the 4th inst.: that he needs books, and encloses a list with which he requests to be supplied. 

3, 1, '70 # 3 * | Society A. Bapt H. Me. J. C. Backus Cor. Secy. | New York City, N. Y. February 28th 1870 States that [[underlined]] Mr. Simmons [[/underlined]] will be in Washington soon, when he will confer with the Supt., on the subject of his letter 

3, 2, '70 # 14 * | Still Wm H. Teacher. | Brooklyn, A Arundel Co. Md. March 1st 1870 Has been told that the N. J. Presby. H. M. Society intend to withdraw him from the field, and that they notified him to close his school on the 1st of February, although he has not received such notice 

3, 1, '70 # 15 * | Swan, J. B. Teacher. | West River, Anne Arundel Co. Md. February 26th 1870. States that the book bill which the people owe has been partly paid, and they promise to settle it soon.