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[[preprinted]] WHEN RECEIVED. | NAME OF WRITER. | DATE AND PURPORT OF LETTER. [[/preprinted]] 

4,9,'70 #28 * | Snowden T.B. | Westminster, Caroll Co., Md.  April 7th 1870.  Requests payment of amount promised by the Bureau toward building their school house. 

4,21,'70 #29 * | Snowden G.W.  Teacher. | Easton, Talbot Co., Maryland.  April 19th 1870.  States that the colored people have erected a large and commodious school building, and teacher's house at that place, and that $553.00 is still due on the latter building;  that they will be obliged to sell off unless aid is received from some source &c.  Desires to know what arrangements have been made for the support of schools for next term.

4,7,'70 #30 * | Soper John N.  E.B.276 | Hyattstown, Mont. Co. Md.  April 10th 1870.  Asks that the colored people of that place be aided to the amount of $125.00 to enable them to purchase the old Baptist Church at that place to be used for church and school purposes.

4,30,'70 #31 * | Snowden, T.B. | Westminster, Carroll Co., Md.  April 29th 1870.  Inquires if the vouchers which he signed and returned were received:  and states that they are in want of money &c.

5.4.70. 32 * | Snowden, T.B. | Westminster, Carroll Co. Md.  May 3d 1870.  States in reply, that the vouchers were signed and mailed for return on the 9th ult..  Requests to have other blanks sent.

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[[preprinted]] WHEN RECEIVED. | NAME OF WRITER. | DATE AND PURPORT OF LETTER. [[/preprinted]] 

5.12.70. | 32 * Snowden, T.B. | Westminster, Carroll Co. Md.  May 1870.  States that unless the money promised from the Bureau, toward the construction of their school-house is paid soon, the building must be sold.  Requests to have other vouchers sent for signature &c.

5.14.70. | 33 * Somers, I.W. | Forktown, Somerset Co. Md.  May 10 1870.  Thinks there will not be a sufficient number of pupils to continue the school after the 10th of next month.  States that a school has been taught by Miss [[underlined]] M.E. Black, [[/underlined]] about three miles from his school:  that Miss B. would like to take it again in the fall.

5.20.70. | 35 * Somers, Isaiah W.  Teacher. | Forktown, Somerset Co. Md.  May 17 1870.  Requests to have Check for this months salary sent 11 Brown St. (Frankford), Philadelphia, Pa..

5.21.70. | 36 * Sykes, Fayette  Supt. S.S.I.I. | Washington, D.C.  May 10th 1870.  Claims $55.00/100 as rental for the month of April.  States that the Island Institute will hold a meeting on Sunday afternoon of the 29th inst.  Requests that the vouchers and funds be forwarded as before.

6.3.70. | 37 * Smith Martha J.  Teacher | Clear Spring, Washington Co. Md.  May 31st 1870.  States that the people were loth to have their school closed, and want a teacher next term.

6.10.70. | 38 * Somers, Isaiah W.  Teacher | Frankford, Pa.  June 8th 1870.  Acknowledges receipt of check in payment of his salary for May.