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[[preprinted]] WHEN RECEIVED. | NAME OF WRITER. | DATE AND PURPORT OF LETTER. [[/preprinted]] 

1,21,70 #6 * | Whittington E.S.  Teacher. | Elkton, Cecil Co. Md.  January 17, 1870.  States an increase of pupils, and requests an assistant for two mos. Submits the name of Josephine Gloster of Philadelphia, and says the people will pay the board of a teacher, if sent. Wishes books mentioned. 

1,31,'70 #7 * | Watts Ellen.  Teacher. | Rockville, Montgomery Co. Md.  January 29th 1870  Encloses a list of books needed, and desires them sent immediately.

2,4,'70 #8 * | Wilson Julianna  Teacher. | Mile Swamp, Anne Arundel Co. Md.  February 1st 1870.  States the opening of school on the 17th of January.  Needs books, and wishes to know the address of a book house in Baltimore, to which she may send for books.  Wishes immediate information.

2,12,'70 #9 * | Wilson Julianna  Teacher. | Birdsville, A.A. County Md.  February 10th 1870  Opened school at Birdsville on the 17th inst.  Requests to be informed as to how she is to procure books.

3,8,'70 #10 * | Wilson Julianna  Teacher. | Birdsville.  March 5th 1870.  Requests to have the amount of her salary for February paid to [[underlined]] C.C. Parker. [[/underlined]]

3,25,'70 #11 * | Weedon A.R., Esq. | Centerville, Queen Anne Co. Md.  March 23d 1870.  Inquires in behalf of the colored

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[[preprinted]] WHEN RECEIVED. | NAME OF WRITER. | DATE AND PURPORT OF LETTER. [[/preprinted]] 

- | - | people if the Bureau can aid them in building school house, and if so to what amount and on what conditions.

3,31,'70 #12 * | Wilmer Dr. Wm. R. | Port Tobacco, Chas. County, Md.  March 30th 1870.  Acknowledges receipt of blank for making out deed of school property, in Bryantown Dist.  Is about to meet the trustees, and will write what is decided upon.

3,31,'70 #30 * | Wilmer Dr. Wm. R. | Port Tobacco, Chas. County Md.  March 30th '70.  Forwards letter from [[underlined]] David Ford, [[/underlined]] one of the trustees of the Benedict School, who complains that their teacher [[underlined]] Miss Allen, [[/underlined]] does not exercise sufficient control over her pupils, to prevent them insulting persons passing, &c., and requests that a man be sent in her place.

3 '70 #14 * | Weedon A.R.  E.B.#266 | Centerville, Queen Anne Co., Md.  March 15th 1870  The colored people of Queen Anne Co. Md. desire to have established regular school and desire to know what amount the Genl. Government will furnish each school and on what conditions.  Encloses "Slip" from the Maryland citizen.

4,9,'70 #15 * | West, Florence K.  Teacher. | Poolsville, Montgomery Co. Md.  April 7th 1870.  States that she was promised return transportations, and thinks it ought to be allowed.