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Darlington Md. Feb. 1st 1869

Rev John Kimball
Supt. of Education Washington D.C.


Your communication of 26 Jan came to hand on the 30th informing me of your visit to Havre De Grace.
I am sorry that you could not come to see us, the time may come yet.

Well we are struggling along the best we can. The Desks can be furnished for us at $3.00 three dollars a piece and it will take about 28 Desks for the house but if we only could get 20 twenty it would do. I mean the mechanic find material and build them for $3.00 three dollars a piece or for one Desk according to the Draft 1 you sent to M.E. Watson 4 ft long 28 inches high 13 inches for desk 10 inches in clear for seat 14 inch, back, on the same plan of Havre De Grace schools Desks. There is now in regular attendance of scholars in school between 50 and 60 on school record. Miss M.E. Watson will send you the report for Dec and Jana shortly or in a few days. I hope to hear from you soon.

Respt yours
[[signature]] Jerome B Armstrong [[/signature]]
Chairman of B Com